Chapter 2: Heartland City

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Once, the school day was over, Yuya ran to LDS or Leo Institute of Dueling. This was where Yuya's father, Yusho Sakaki said he would be.

Yuya walked through the sliding glass doors as he met eyes with a tall boy with silver hair and red glasses.

"Hey, Reiji!" Yuya called to the boy as he came closer.

"Nice to see you too, Yuya." Reiji said.

"Follow me." Reiji said as he lead Yuya through the hallway as the two entered an elevator.

Once the two boys entered the elevator, Reiji pressed a button as the door of the elevator closed.

"So, what's this surprise project?" Yuya asked.

"It's the discovery of the possibility that there are portals and other dimensions we haven't discovered." Reiji said.

"Really?!" Yuya asked excited.

"Your father has already met the people of the other dimensions. So, that means other dimensions are also aware of the portals." Reiji explained.

Yuya listened curiously as he and Reiji exited the elevator finding themselves in dimly lighted room with lots of different machines running.

"Here we are." Reiji said.

Yuya looked around as he noticed a man dressed a crimson red coat and a purple top hat.

"Otou-san!" Yuya called to the man as he hugged his father.

"Hello to you, Yuya. You doing well?" His father asked as he ruffled Yuya's hair.

"Yeah!" Yuya responded.

"Well, since you're here now. I guess we can start the test run now." Yusho said to the workers around the room.

Yusho and Yuya stood in front of a large blue mirror as the mirror started to glow.

The blue mirror changed as energy started to build up and the mirror became a swirling rainbow.

"Alright, ready?" Yusho asked Yuya.

Yuya nodded excitedly as his father grabbed his hand before nodding to his team.

Then, Yusho and Yuya walked through the swirling rainbow portal.

Yuya gripped his father's hand as he felt his face pass through the portal.

Once, the strange feeling faded, he opened  his eyes to see a beautiful sight.

Yusho and Yuya were standing in a large city that was decorated with lots of colours and heart-shaped buildings.

Yuya gasped in amazement.

"Welcome to Heartland City, Yuya." Yusho said.

Yusho decided to let Yuya explore Heartland City as Yuya explored the beautiful colourful city.

"This is so spectacular!" Yuya exclaimed.

Though, Yuya wasn't watching where he was going as he crashed into someone.

"Ow!" yelled a loud voice.

"Oh, I'm sorry about that!" Yuya said sheepishly.

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