Chapter 14

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Arya was just starting to get used to this universe, she was coming to terms with everything. Of course she missed her friends but she couldn't deny that she was growing evermore close with Peter.

Peter felt the same way. He was more than ecstatic that his relationship with Arya was growing but he couldn't shake that everblooming fear that his happiness wouldn't last.

All good things must come to an end. 


Arya walked into the living room where Peter was currently sitting. She sat down beside him, resting her head on his arm that quickly wrapped around her. 

"Hey," Peter spoke, turning the volume down on his tv and turning his attention to the girl sat beneath him.

Arya had been thinking again, about a way to get home, she was nervous to bring it up again because she knew they were happy, but recently she had really been missing her friends.

"So, I was thinking," Arya started, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear. "Maybe we should go back to the lab, you know, try to learn more about how I got here and how I could leave," she spoke, a slight nervous tone evident in her voice.

Peter's smile faltered a little. Of course he couldn't blame her but he wasn't ready to let her go, "You want to leave?," he asked.

"Well no. Peter, I didn't mean it like that, it's just that you said we'd go back later and look at it, and we haven't so I figured we could, and I do miss my friends," Arya explained. 

Peter nodded, "Yeah of course, I get it," he spoke, "yeah we can go,"

Arya nodded, " I just can't help but wonder, my friends, they have to wonder where I am." she started, "it's not like me to just wonder off like this, and I've been gone for almost a week, I'd hate to worry them, Mj is probably freaking out,"

"I'm sure they're worried but I'm sure they are going everything they can,"

Arya nodded, "We can stay here a while before we go" she spoke, intertwining their hands as they turned towards the television. 


"Ugh!," Arya groaned, "This is hopeless I'm never getting out of here!," she spoke, throwing the research in front of the open computer.

The two had been stuck in the lab for almost an hour, but to no avail. 

"It's okay, it's okay," he spoke, placing his hands on her shoulder and rubbing them softly, "I'm sure we will figure it out,"

Arya turned to look at him, "But what if we can't? I mean Connors did say that I'd probably have to wait for a random portal to open or I'd never get out of here, and what it...What if that portal never comes? And yes, I do enjoy it here, I love," she started, stopping herself when the that special world left her mouth. "I love..spending time with you but this isn't my home, all of my friends are there, and I miss them," 

Peter nodded, he couldn't pretend to know how she felt and he didn't want to say the wrong thing. 

Arya sighed softly, "I'm sorry Peter, I'm just confused right now," she spoke, not wanting him to get the impression that she was mad at him.

Peter grabbed the girls hand, pulling her up from the chair and wrapping him arms comfortingly around the girl, "it's okay Arya you don't need to apologize, for any of this, it's not your fault,"

"I'm just worried, that we won't figure anything out, and that the portal will never open," she spoke as a strange noise filling her ears.

Peter seemed to notice it too as his senses become alert, the hair on his neck standing straight. 

"Peter? Peter what is it? Are you having your spider tingles?" She asked, slightly loosening herself from his grip as the two turned around to face the noise. 

The couples eyes widened at the sight before them, a sight Arya would never think she'd see.

"Peter?!" she spoke, shock evident in her tone as she stared at the boy who stood in a portal before here.




Guys I really apologize for not updating the book in almost a month I was going through some stuff and was extremely busy with school I promise I am trying to upload but regardless I hope you enjoyed this chapter ! 

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