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[During an especially difficult panic attack, Steven manages to stumble upon a scene that he couldn't just leave alone.]

[Word Count: 1224]




My breaths were labored and under duress. I couldn't breathe. My chest constricted as if a viper had contorted its bendable form around my middle, expelling the air and life from my body.


Hot tears escaped my eyes, finding no other escape other than down my already splotchy cheeks. I wiped them in irritation, loathing the feeling on my skin. Every extra touch that was added onto my already overwhelmed body was painful and excruciating.

Why couldn't I think straight? Why did this have to happen right now?


As much as I attempted to collect my thoughts, they continued to run away from me, laughing as their departure only sent me spiraling faster out of control.

The brightness of the fluorescent lights, the constant humming from the aged machinery behind the drywall, even my clothes that felt a little bit too tight overstimulated my senses.

I couldn't focus.

The door to the inventory room suddenly opened, meaning my cowering presence on the other side of the table was soon to be discovered.

I clamped my hand over my mouth to prevent any stay noises or sobs from escaping.

I stiffened my back against the table, hoping that the intruder wouldn't see me sobbing on the floor and using the table as a barricade to the outside world.

"I just wanted to call you and tell you that I missed you, yeah? I'm working late in inventory tonight, thanks to Donna. She either trusts me a lot to do this job, or thinks I'm really bad at the other. Anyways, I'll call you on my way home from work, then. Okay, love you, mum. Laters gaters..."


No, Steven couldn't see me like this. Especially not Steven.

"Hello, Tawaret, you cute little stuffie..." Shuffling occurred on the top of the table. "Let me move you right there, okay? Don't move, you little thing." He chuckled to himself before opening another cardboard box.

My lips trembled, and I couldn't breathe. I dropped my shaking hands, only to slap them back onto my mouth before releasing a strangled weep.

A phone began to ring, causing my anxiety to escalate.

"How goes it? Oh...hey Donna. Yeah, I'm in inventory right now. But you told me- okay, yes, yes, I'm coming."

I felt the slightest bit relieved, knowing that Steven would be free from seeing me in a state such as this.

He wouldn't be embarrassed at seeing me fall apart like this.

Suddenly, the stuffed Tawaret slipped from the countertop and landed on the ground.

Right beside me.

Steven sighed. "Damn..." He muttered, before his footsteps began to travel around the table towards me. His form appeared from the opposite side, and he reached down to pick up the fallen stuffed animal.

I thought I was in the clear until he looked me directly in my eyes.

No. No. No.

Now he was going to consider me so much less than I already was.

"(Y/N)?" He whispered, tossing the animal to the side and bringing his knees to the floor. He cautiously reached out, offering his hand to me.

He looked especially handsome today in his dark jeans, patterned button up short, and his typical off white jacket that he donned with every out. Just seeing the color of his jacket throughout the day caused a blush to flood my face.

The most handsome man in the museum was watching me deteriorate.

His gentle approach sent me spiraling. I shook my head, not wanting to contaminiate him, audible sobs escaping my throat.

His brown eyes filled with concern and his face contorted into a a saddened expression. "(Y/N), it's okay...I'm not going to hurt you, yeah?" He inched closer towards my trembling form.

"No, S-Steven. P-please leave..." I pleaded, continuous streams of tears falling from my eyes uncontrollably. I buried my heated face into my hands, begging him to leave me alone.

"I'm not leaving, dear. I can't leave you, especially not like this." His warm hand feathered over my arm, ghosting over my skin, not wanting to overwhelm me any further.

"I'm-I'm sorry...I'm sorry, Steven." I struggled to apologize, feeling completely embarrassed that he caught me in this unfortunately normal predicament.

Anxiety was a ghost, not in the fact that it wasn't real, but that it haunted me day and night, never letting me rest nor enjoy life anymore.

"Don't apologize, love, please." He consoled. "Here, here, look."

I obeyed, raising my head to find that he had inched closer to me, only separated by a foot or so. I noticed the different colored strands of hair forming the loose dark curls that I had come to adore.

"What are three things that you see?" He held up his hand with three raised fingers.

"W-What?" I asked, wondering what he was trying to accomplish.

"Tell me three things in this room that you can see." He explained, gently holding my trembling hand in his large one.

"Um...the hippo...the box," I motioned to the corner, "right there shoes." I pointed to my indigo colored flats that I had specifically chosen today, knowing that Steven had complimented them before.

"Good! Now tell me two things that you hear." He encouraged, continuing to hold my hand, rubbing over my knuckles with his other in the most gentle way possible.

"I hear...the lights buzzing and...the pipes behind the wall."I stated, confident in my answers, as those same sounds were just moments ago, overwhelming my auditory senses. 

"Perfect, love. What's one thing that you can smell?" He leaned in just an inch. He smelled so a fresh shower, aftershave, a musky cologne...

"You..." I blurted, only covering my mouth in surprise. Steven's eyes met mine and his cheeks turned rosy before the corners of his mouth lifted in a timid smile. "Sorry...I..."

"Stop apologizing, (Y/N), you're perfectly fine." He stated, followed by a giggle, causing me to return one as well. "Do you feel better?" He questioned, his brown eyes searching mine.

I hadn't noticed that my hands had stopped shaking and my breathing had calmed down dramatically. "Yes, actually...I do."

"Your color looks better, darling." He muttered, wiping my cheek with the tender touch of his hands. "I know what that feels like...anxiety. Not being able to breathe, feeling trapped in your own body. It's terrifying. And you don't have to deal with it alone." He promised me, every word a direct truth.

"Thank you, Steven." I said, leaning my head onto his strong shoulder. His fingers interlocked through mine and he used his thumb to draw circles on the back of my hand.

"No worries, sweetheart. I'm always here, and I always will be. Let's stay right here for as long as you need." He stated, peppering kisses onto the top of my head.

"Didn't Donna need you for something, though?" I questioned, remembering the phone call he received before finding me.

"Someone needed me more." He whispered before placing his head on top of mine.

I had never felt more calm than I did right in this moment.

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