Favor [Part Two]

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[Steven and Marc have been waiting for a certain someone to return home after work. Now, the sun has set, and the apartment remains empty.]
[Word Count: 1596]

[🌙This chapter contains swearing and implied violence.🌙]
I held tightly onto Marc as he hurriedly assisted me, rushing me up the stairs, his suit blazing profoundly behind him. "Marc!" I silently cried, feeling my legs losing the last of their strength. Unable to hold onto his hand, I slipped from his grasp and fell onto the stairs, my hands slapping the laminate floor, causing an echo to reverberate through the museum's stairwell.

Marc immediately turned around and gasped, retracting his mask in worry. "Shit! I'm sorry, baby." He muttered, traversing the steps to my groaning position. His hand carefully tried to assist me without hurting me, but I still cried out in unbearable pain as his hand ran over my side, obviously agitating a broken rib.

I pushed his hands away and cradled my side, crying in agony. This was the result of being tortured for seven hours in the basement of the museum at the hands of men who would do anything to achieve their goal of forcing me into submission.

"Love? Hey...hey." Steven fronted, now accessorized by his finely tailored white suit. "It's going to be okay. I'm right here." He sat on the step beside me, his gloved hand softly caressing my cheek that was damp with pained tears. "Whenever you're ready, grab my hands." He directed, opening both of his hands towards me.

I breathed deeply, but gasped at the sharp pains that accompanied them. I leaned my pounding head against the side of the stairwell. "I'm-I'm so sorry." I hiccuped, watching Steven's expression change in confusion. "I-I was getting ready to leave to come home and..." I closed my eyes in remembrance. "And they snuck up on me."

Steven immediately palmed my unaffected cheek. "My love, please don't think that this is your fault. You were attacked. You are the victim here." He explained, watching as I opened my eyes and my lip trembled.

"I should've been more careful, like Marc said, and I thought I could protect myself and-and I couldn't. Not even when I punched the one guy. He..." I sobbed into my hand that I covered my face with. "He hit me so hard...I don't remember what happened after that." I admitted, now feeling Steven's hand cover my own.

"You are not to blame, my dove. You tried, and that's all that matters. And for those blokes upstairs, Marc and I are going to do everything to them that they did you, alright? They aren't getting away with this." He gravely declared, inching closer and cradling my head into his chest.

I sniffed and managed to calm my ragged breaths. "Please...please take me home. Take me back home." I begged, reaching out to grab the center of Marc's crescent darts that were situated on the chest of his broad chest.

"We are, baby. We are." Marc retorted, his own voice cracking as he watched me plead in anguish and overcome by pain that was inflicted by another. "I don't think I can carry you, (Y/N). With your injuries, I don't know how painful that's going to be for you." He whispered, trying to console my trembled body.

I gripped his shoulder tightly and he responded my holding my elbow for support. "Please, carry me, Marc." I begged breathlessly, not having the strength to walk anymore. Never would I ask for such dramatic assistance, but I trusted Steven and Marc with my life.

He complied, scooping his arms around me, being extremely wary of the injuries he knew about. "Okay, hold on to me, baby." He commanded, helping lift my arms over his head to where I could interlock my fingers. "Deep breath." His eyes searched my face and tears pricked his eyes. "I'm so sorry." He offered, knowing that the next few moments were going to be pure hell for me.

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