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[Marc promised a romantic date in the late hours of the night, but Steven has other plans.]
[Word Count: 1684]
Flipping the lights off throughout the apartment was a nightly routine that I had come to enjoy. Every switch was another indication that the day was finally over, and a long-awaited rest could begin. By every room accepting the darkness meant that peace was spreading through the apartment and I anticipated the moments where I could initiate the nightly schedule.

The last lightswitch was the in kitchen leading towards bedroom area, so I made sure to flip that one last before entering the approaching the bed in the middle of the room.

"(Y/N), do you want to watch a movie with me?" Steven questioned, already sitting in the center of our shared bed. He had just showered, which I had suggested earlier, because I thought maybe it would assist him in falling asleep easier.

His raven hair was damp and curly, recently brushed and just barely hanging over his forehead that had expectant wrinkles awaiting my answer.

As I approached, I noticed the faint aroma of soothing lavender and smiled as I inhaled again. The lavender was definitely coming from Steven and it was utterly intoxicating.

Just the day previous I had purchased lavender shower pellets that could be added to the bottom of the bathtub while running hot water. Apparently, they were supposed to melt and release an aroma that made people with problems sleeping more relaxed and finally ready to sleep. I thought maybe it would help Steven and his hesitation to give into rest.

It made me happy and quite joyous to know that he was at least trying the remedy and making me feel like I was helping him in some fashion.

"Steven," I chided, "It's very late. And you need to go to sleep, okay? You have work in the morning." I adjusted the corner sheet of the bed that had accidentally untucked, feeling Steven's stare on me the whole time.

"Yes, I-I know, but I just..." He nervously scratched the back of his head. "I just wanted to spend more time with you, yeah?"

"You, sir, are a flirt." I sank into the mattress on my side of the bed, opening the door to my nightstand what was littered with half read books and a sweet note from Steven that he had left from the morning. I rummaged around my drawer, searching for a particular bottle. There were some prescription canisters, some birthday cards, a secret stash of candy that I had to hide from Steven and Marc, and...there it was! My lotion.

"Look, love, I really don't want to go to sleep... I just can't trust Marc when I'm sleeping. I don't know where I'll be when I wake up, (Y/N)..." He looked at me sorrowfully and I sighed.

As I squeezed some lotion into my hands, I started to rub it into my arms, carefully making sure to not miss a spot. "I understand, Steven. But you are going to make yourself sick if you don't get some rest. And I don't want you sick, okay? Marc has promised to tone down the nightly crusades, so I don't think you'll have to worry."

The weight of the mattress was then unbalanced as Steven got up from his own side.

Did I say something wrong?

He quickly scurried back, holding a rectangular box in his hands. "Maybe...we could put this together then? It'll be faster than a movie." Steven showed me the top of the box.

It was a puzzle.

The picture was a beautiful scene that showcased two cardinals in front of a snowy backdrop. I had also bought the puzzle for Steven, knowing how much he adored both puzzles and birds. When I saw the puzzle, I couldn't help but think how sweet it would be to just admire him put it together and pretending that I was helping as I watched.

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