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[Steven and Marc have been waiting for a certain someone to return home after work. Now, the sun has set, and the apartment remains empty.]
[Word Count: 2302]
Steven paced his apartment yet again, wringing his hands and nervously watching the door, expecting a beautiful smile to walk in. He had prepared a wonderful dinner, but there was now no one to share it with and it began to grow cold as it sat idle and untouched on the dining table.

"Where is she, Marc?" Steven questioned, glancing to a hanging picture on the wall and seeing the faint outline of Marc peering back at him. Just as Steven was, Marc had also peen panicking, and it was proven by how disheveled his hair was from being tugged at with anxious hands.

I don't know, Steven. This isn't right. She's usually home by now.

Marc ran his hands down his forlorn face, worrying even more as he noticed the remnants of the sun begin to finally set, making it later in the evening than when (Y/N) was supposed to have arrived.

"What...what if something happened to her?" Steven stared at his reflection, noticing how tense Marc had become in response. "What if-" Steven began to concoct more ideas of possible dangerous situations that his love could be facing while he safely resided in their apartment.

Don't say that, Steven. Don't say that.

Marc was breathing heavier as another minute passed when she didn't walk into their apartment. He had been expecting her soul-warming personality and enchanting demeanor to simply enter the apartment as she normally would have after a day of work. He had been eagerly awaiting her to waltz in, remove her work shoes at the door, and happily jump into his open arms.

"It's the evening, Marc!" Steven exclaimed, rushing towards the window that was situated above the kitchen sink. "She's always home before dark, and look! The moon is out and she is not back!" He gripped the sides of the sink, shakily breathing as he became more worried.

I know that! I'm having Khonshu see if he can track her under the moonlight.

Marc was growing agitated, but was speaking truthfully. Khonshu had offered to use his ability as the god of the moon to possibly locate her while she was still absent from the apartment.

Give me the body, Steven. I need to find her.

Steven raised his head and stared into his reflection with indignant anger. "What? No- I'm going to find her!" He returned, pointing at Marc whose scowl had worsened as Steven refused his demand.

It's dangerous and I don't need to worry about the both of you at the same time. Give me the body.

With a chuckle, Steven shook his head negatively and backed away from the kitchen sink. "Listen, Marc. I'm not giving you control. I can do this. I can go find her and save her." He stated in determined resolution.

What if you can't?

Marc's glare was unmissable and unmistakeable. He trusted Steven to a degree, but not to this magnitude of searching for his love. Steven wasn't as equipped as Marc, although Marc was a walking arsenal of untapped rage and wrathful potential. He would tear the world apart just to locate her and to keep her safe from the dangers within.

Steven's expression was slightly irritated, yet more worrisome than before. What if Marc was right? What if he couldn't protect her and something went extreme awry? He would never be able to forgive himself if anything happened to her under his care.

But Steven also believed that he'd do whatever was required of him to search out his love.

"No, Marc." He quipped, immediately grabbing his tan jacket from one of the chairs at the dinner table. "I'm going to find her. And you can watch, yeah?" With a hurried movement, Steven slipped on the jacket, quickly followed by his shoes.

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