Remind Me

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[It's difficult to be confident in a world that constantly seeks to put you down, but it's even more difficult to remember how cherished and worthy you are. Sometimes, it's good to be reminded.]

[Word Count: 5816]

[A/N: Hello, my loves. Here is a special one shot for you all. A while ago, it was requested that "confidence" should be addressed. As it so happens, the events in this story are inspired about what happened to me just the other day. I want you all to know that you are beautiful, loved, and adored. You do not deserve to be put down or made to feel insecure. I love you all and hope you enjoy. -K 🖤]

[🌙 This story is long, contains swearing, mentions of body image and unconfidence, along with ⚠️⚠️SMUT⚠️⚠️. Both hands on the phone, everyone, you have been warned.🌙]
She was repulsive, ugly, and difficult to even look at.

My reflection haunted me, and looking at myself only solidified the event that happened earlier.

My chest silently heaved as I quietly cried, still struggling to look at myself in the full length mirror of the bedroom.

Tears had been falling for longer than I could remember, causing my cheeks to be reddened and my eyes to be irritated and swollen.

My hands rested on my lower stomach, wishing I could remove portions of myself. I squeezed my skin, silently praying that the pudgy addition would be taken from me. In my mind, I could only imagine the lines I would use to surgically remove what I was ashamed of.

My eyes flickered over my legs, and my hands rested on my hips that were wider than my waist. My skin was less than perfect. I was less than perfect. I pushed my thumbs into the waistband of my underwear and pulled them upwards to conceal my lower belly.

No matter what I did, I was still revolting and abhorrent to gaze at.

My own body offended me.

I dropped my head to avoid looking at myself, and the self-depreciating tears continued to fall. When I did glance at myself again, I was completely ashamed of who I was.

My hands traveled to my chest, covering my bra, and trying to conceal my large chest. I pressed and pushed and shoved and squeezed, but nothing I did made my breasts smaller or semi-normal looking.

I wrapped my arms around myself, trying to forget the words and laughter spoken in opposition of me.

But the events of the earlier portion of the day only came back to torture me with a vengeance.
I swiftly looked through the rack of clothes in this portion of the aisle, quickly moving the hangars to find my size.

It was easy to recognize the small and medium sizes, which is why I walked directly to the large and extra large racks of clothes.

It was then that my phone began to ring with an all too familiar melody.

"Hello?" I greeted, placing my phone in between my cheek and my shoulder. My hands continued to browse the sweaters before me, and my eyes drifted over the differing colors and options.

"How is the most beautiful woman in the world doing today?" Marc's sultry voice questioned, instantly causing me to blush. "That's you, y'know." He clarified with a deep chuckle on the other end of the phone.

I tried to hide my wide smile with shopping among the other patrons, but Marc always knew what to say to make me feel like I was on cloud nine. "Hi, Marc," I giggled in response, "I'm doing okay. How has your day been?"

Marc sighed before responding, "Well, considering that I haven't seen you at all, not good. Where are you at?" He wondered as I continued to shop for nothing in particular.

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