Domestic Living

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[Steven has promised nothing but love, provision, and a life full of fulfilled promises and undying affection. Classic fluff!]
[Word Count: 1360]
The door handle turned as someone entered my apartment. "Hello, my love!" Steven called, carrying grocery bags galore, his hands utterly overflowing with items.

I turned my head at heading his voice, my attention taken away from the dirty dishes in the sink. "Hi Steven! Hold on!" I reassured, removing my hands from the soapy water, drying them off on the dish towel hanging off my shoulder.

Steven teetered in the doorway, patiently waiting for assistance. A cheerful grin spread across his face as he saw me appear before him. "How do you get more beautiful every time I see you?" He muttered as his cheeks began to slowly blush.

"Oh stop it, Steven..." I giggled, reaching for some of the bags to take off of his arms. Once I had grabbed a complete handful, I ventured back to the kitchen and placed the groceries onto the counter.

Steven, now significantly less burdened, followed after me, and set the remaining bags onto the free space of the counter as well. He hurriedly turned to the door and closed it behind him.

"Baby, why did you get so many things?" I asked him, looking at his face that was already admiring mine. Steven normally went to the store and purchased maybe a few things at a time, but it looked like he was preparing to feed an army.

He shrugged and chuckled. "Because erm...I don't know, I just...felt like I should. A part of me felt like I was providing for you and...I don't know." He lowered his head, shaking it and giggling to himself.

I approached him and sighed, also giving into giggles of my own. "Why don't you go and change out of those work clothes? Then we can make dinner together." I suggested and surprised him by kissing his cheek.

He beamed and nodded, exiting the kitchen and retreating towards our shared bedroom.

I watched his figure disappear and then turned back to the sink and the bubbles that were appearing just over the side. There were only a few remaining dishes, which wouldn't take very long, so I wouldn't mind getting my hands wet once more.

Steven appeared by my side, now in different attire. It wasn't a suit, but he was still so attractive to me in his white t-shirt and grey sweatpants. His comfortable outfit only sparked more pure, unadulterated affection towards him.

He gently swiped the towel from my shoulder, and began to dry the clean dishes that I rinsed under the warm water to rid them of remaining soap. We continued in comfortable silence as I washed and rinsed, and he dried and put the dishes away into the cupboard.

"What would you like for dinner, (Y/N)?" He inquired, placing the final plate into place and closing the cupboard door. He leaned against the counter, patiently waiting for my answer.

I thought for a moment, but nothing in particular came to mind. While I considered, I wiped the area around the sink and mirrored Steven's position by leaning against the counter. "I don't know, what do you want?"

"Well, I knew you we're going to say that, my dear, so that's why I got so many choices!" He gestured to the abundance of groceries onto the counter and smiled widely. "I never want you to have feel like you have nothing. I want to give you everything."

He offered his hand toward me and I accepted. He then gently pulled me into his embrace as he peppered my cheeks with light, feathery kisses. "Ah!" I laughed loudly. "Steven!"

"I love, love, love you, (Y/N). I never want you to doubt that, okay?" He nuzzled his nose into mine and we took the moment to relish in each other's presence. His hands slid to my waist, still respectively keeping them in place and not wandering about.

"You could never make me doubt your love, Steven. I love you too." I cupped his cheeks with both hands. He looked into my eyes with his puppy-dog expression and my stomach erupted in butterflies.

As if I were porcelain or easily breakable, Steven ushered his lips against mine, softly moving in synchronization with my own. Then, with an additional peck, he pulled away. "Let me start putting this stuff away, yeah?"

I nodded and watched him begin to dig through the grocery bags, neatly separating similar kinds of objects so they could be put away together. Watching him, although not in a strange and staring manner, made me realize that this was all I ever wanted.

A wonderful home, a warm bed to sleep in, even the dirty dishes in the sink made me grateful for this life that I had been blessed with. And the best part of all, is that I get to share it all with the man that I loved more than anything in the world. More than life itself.

Never had I considered that I'd have a domestic life, with the white picket fence, the nice neighbors, and every day seemingly bright and exuberant with overwhelming happiness. But I had it all.

Steven had promised to provide and share a life beyond my wildest dreams.

"I got this because I thought you might like it..." Steven admitting, waking me from my daydreaming. He offered a small flowerpot, the tiny green blooms just peeking from the soil within. What bag did he pull this out of?

I chuckled and carefully took it from his palm. "Thank you, baby." With just a little bit of water from the faucet, I placed it into the sunshine of the windowsill, wondering what would bloom now that the tiny seed had been given a loving environment to grow in.

"How about steak time?" Steven said in a sing-song manner, causing me to crack a smile and nod as I faced his figure that had closed the distance between us. His bright eyes displayed nothing but adoration and affection, offering my only the purest and truest love that the world couldn't outmatch.

He held out his open palms and I slipped my hands into his much larger ones. He gently squeezed my hands, and then brought them to his face. Finger by finger, he stamped a firm kiss to each digit, but displayed special attention to my left hand's ring finger.

Steven's lips lingered over the delicate ring that he had designed just for me, completely unique, with no other wedding ring like it in the world. "I love you, Mrs. Grant." He proclaimed into my hands, then pressing his lips against the backs of my hands.

His display of physical affection caused me to blush and my heart to overflow with uncontainable love. "And I love you, Mr. Grant." I confessed, stepping closer until I could replace my hands with my own lips.

Steven chuckled and spun me around, now standing behind me. We faced the window, the rays of the sun sneaking though the open blinds and entering into the tranquil atmosphere of our kitchen.

His hands lovingly rested on my waist, then sliding around to rest on my extended belly. His palms affectionately caressed the stretch marked skin, although blocked from skin-to-skin contact by me wearing one of his t-shirts.

"Thank you for making me the happiest man in the world, love. For giving me a reason to live, a love to last a lifetime...and now..." He whispered into my ear, "A new life that we created."

I rested my hands on top of his, feeling a slight kick against my side, causing Steven to react excitedly. Leaning back, I kissed his cheek once more to which he responded by pecking my shoulder.

There was nothing more that I could have never need. He had already supplied it all with me having to ask or lift a finger.

And in this moment, I knew that Steven and I were made for this life, and we were made to share it together.

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