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They head back downstairs and kiri's mum asks "Are you still alright to pick her up today?"

Kirishima smiles and nods "Yeah, I'll pick her up. I'll get her back to you at 6, ok?"

They nod and then say "Ok. We leave in a week, but we've already got someone to cover the time you won't be there, so don't worry about that. You can stay in your old room."

Kirishima nods and says "Alright, well, have fun then."

He chuckles and waves them goodbye, closing the door behind them both and then he turns, walking into the kitchen again. Bakugou hands him a cup of tea, so he smiles and thanks him, sitting down on the stool next to him.

They drink their drinks and then bakugou asks "What's going on then?"

Kirishima smiles slightly "My parents have to leave for about 3 weeks on a business trip. So I'm going to stay at theirs to look after emiko. They've got someone for the nights, but I'll have to do the mornings."

Bakugou: "Well.... school run is pretty much when you get back most of the time.... that's not gonna work.."

Kirishima sighs and says "I don't have a choice, it'll have to work..."

Bakugou: "You do actually. I know a few people who'll help out."

Kirishima looks at him "...that's not really fair though-"

Bakugou: "You and I both know I'm going to do this for you anyway. So save me the job of arguing."

Kirishima smiles slightly and nods "Ok.."

Bakugou: "Besides, my sister lives for this sort of thing. She wakes up at something stupid, like 5:30 in the goddamn morning. Plus, she lives only a few houses down from my parents."

Kirishima: "Oh.. right, ok."

When the clock gets to 3, they go to pick up emiko, bakugou coming with him because why not?

Walking into the school gates, they join the other parents, waiting outside patiently for their children to come to them. The children are let out and the teachers make sure they leave safely. But then they hear something and look over to see a kid who looks to somehow be stuck in a tree. It looks as though he was getting a ball and is now stuck.

But he looks like he's going to fall if they don't do something soon, so they get everyone away from the tree, because they're panicking which makes the kid panic more. They notice some grooves in the tree, so bakugou let's kirishima climb up, staying near to catch if needs be.

Kirishima gets to the kid's branch and he says "Hey kid, can you take my hand? Can you reach?"

The kid tries, but ultimately ends up falling because he can't reach. Kirishima quickly catches him, pulling him into his arms "Woah there, let's not fall from this height. Can you hold onto me?"

The kid nods his head slightly and holds onto kirishima tightly, wrapping his legs and arms around his torso. Slowly, Kirishima climbs back down the tree and then returns the child to the worried parents, before emiko comes up and says "Dad! Can we go now?"

He chuckles and nods "Yeah, let's go."

Then a teacher runs over and says "Mr. Kirishima, may I speak to you?"

Kirishima looks at her confused, but nods and says "Sure.."

The teacher looks at bakugou, noticing his presence, before turning to face kirishima again.

Teacher: "We were learning about how different people have slightly different home situations. For example, some live with their grandparents and so on."

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