Chapter four

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Hellloooo chapter four! or i guess counting its five. Whatever! Today is a double upload so at around ten? ish? I'll post chapter five :DDD Hope you enjoy this chapter and look forward to the next!!

When his classmates questioned the sudden rise of cursed energy last night, Yuta brushed it off with a painfully red face, and if that didn't hammer the lie home, his darting eyes definitely did. The poor boy couldn't focus at all in the morning classes, he didn't know if it would've been better or worse if Yuzuha actually showed up. While there were times that she did skip, it was rare for her to skip the classes she actually enjoyed – that being history that he was sitting through with barely a braincell to focus on the work at hand. He had no clue why, or how, but the sensation of her lips on the skin of his cheek wouldn't leave his mind – it was all he could think about actually. The heat when she touched him and the sudden loss and cold when she jumped away, he remembered all the same thoughts keeping him up that night; his hair was so messy because he was rubbing his hands through it so much in despair. His throbbing heart seemed to put a different label on the feeling, but ultimately he was stuck between a rock and a hard place – and he was despairing about it.

Especially because when the feeling of her lips eventually does disappear, he knows that he'll be desperate for more. The very present weight on his back managed to hold back a lot of the internal desire and struggle, but Yuta hadn't a clue what would happen later on during their training.

"Let's go into town," she had said, cleanly avoiding Rika's attempted swipes at her life – Yuta very quickly got her under control and to calm down, though he couldn't say she wouldn't come out again. Yuzuha laughed, "you haven't had the chance to relax yet, so lets do a little sight seeing." Yuta found he really liked the sound of her laughter, even if she was laughing at him – or Rika.

"Huh? Is that – is that even allowed?" It was then that Yuta realised the utter lack of restraints that Yuzuha had, or rather the lack of supervision from their teacher.

"What? Of course, it's not like we've got missions today," she said as if it was obvious, disregarding class entirely as a reason not to go.

Yeah, but it's a Wednesday... Yuta thought exasperatedly, letting the girl tug him towards the steps leading out of the school. He kinda understood Maki's frustrations seeing how the girl skipped class like it was breathing; yet she was still so strong.

"You know, I do train in my spare time. I just don't do it like you and the others do; plus I really hate moving around a lot. Anyway, is there anywhere you wanna go? Yokohama, Roppongi, Shibuya, Harajuku, Akiba? Or are you gonna let me drag you around, your choice."

If he was being honest, he didn't mind either way. He'd probably prefer being dragged around by his hand instead of his sleeve, but he wasn't going to mention anything. Smiling placatingly, he quickened his steps to keep up with her – seemed as though she was excited to roam around.

"I - no, there's nowhere in particular... I'm curious about where you'll take me, so-" Was his answer, hanging the end for her to fill in the gaps. He already knew she wasn't a fan of crowds so it was definitely going to be on the outskirts, though he wondered why she listed some of the busiest and most popular places.

"Hmm..." Yuzuha stopped for a moment, letting go of his sleeve and putting a finger to her chin in thought. She crossed her other arm over her chest and took a glimpse at the view atop the hill before smiling. Turning back, she grinned, "wanna go for a walk?"

So when she said that, Yuta was expecting a leisurely stroll around the area of the school, he was very incorrect in his judgement. Being dragged to Shibuya station, taking a twenty minute train journey westward, buying a couple of bentos at the stop (awing at the five Yuzuha bought for herself), he found himself in the midst of trees and nature – hand in hand with a girl who was talking about a fish she'd seen jump out of the river once before.

Yuzu and Lime - Jujutsu Kaisen 0 (Okkotsu Yuta)Where stories live. Discover now