Chapter eight

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yooohooo aren't I early today. We got a new internet modem so I thought while im changing the internet on here I might as well upload - I don't wanna keep you waiting as long as before, so I hope you like and enjoy this chapter :33 I wrote with all my soul >:D

For the next couple of days that Yuzuha had to spend in recovery – she preferred to call it surveillance since she started feeling a lot better after the first day she woke. Ieiri was adamant she stay in for at least another day just in case anything happened, which, thankfully, it did not. The only reason Ieiri let her go, Yuzuha suspected, was due to a certain someone practically settling down in her office, and it wasn't the patient she was looking after.

While Yuta didn't sleep in there, save for the night she woke up but in his defence Yuzuha wasn't letting go of him. He pretty much spent every waking minute sat at her bedside talking to her, bringing her food, playing games. His excuse was that since he'd lost Rika he wasn't sure of his place any more and so considered the classes pretty redundant as he couldn't follow along well. Though that was all an excuse, he was actually in the middle of training with Maki and her cursed tools since he didn't want to give up on being a sorcerer, even if he didn't have Rika any more. When he told Yuzuha about it, however;

"Hm? But you still have cursed energy? I mean, you can still see them, can't you?"

Which concluded his lost idling and marked the start of his actual training with Gojo to build up his cursed energy and work out his technique.

"You know..." Maki drawled, standing in the middle of the training field beside Panda, whom she was fighting just a few seconds prior, "I can understand Yuta being the clingy type, but I never expected Yuzuha to be so shameless about it."

What she was talking about was Yuzuha, the day after her release, holding Yuta's arm as they walked across the short path to the dormitories; passing by the training field as they went, oblivious. The girl wore a sunny grin and Yuta himself looked over the moon, holding her hand and leaning down to say something in her ear – as if anyone was around to hear him if he said it out loud.

Panda nodded, staring at the same sight, "right? The Yuzuha we knew all those months ago would never have made those kinds of faces. I think it's good for them both-" he paused, patting Maki on the back, "don't mind, don't mind."

Maki, suddenly feeling increasingly irritated, slapped the condescending hand off her and jabbed him in the chin with the butt of her staff; "the hell does that mean!?" she scoffed, "I'm happy for 'em both, Yuzuha's finally opened up to everyone and is looking that happy – what's there to be down about?"

Probably the fact that they'd be subjected to major pda every day, they didn't think about it until the fifth day came and the couple were still attached at the hip. Granted, they weren't all over each other in an obnoxious way – if Yuzuha wanted to talk to Maki she'd mention it to him before running up to the girl – and vice versa.

Speaking of, it'd been a week since she'd been deemed healthy enough to leave the confines of Ieiri's office, Yuzuha found herself sitting on Maki's bed as said girl lounged back on her desk chair.

"So? What's the issue?"

Yuzuha took a breath in, "promise you won't laugh?" Maki didn't promise the impossible. "Okay, okay... Well... I- okay on second thought it's really dumb!"

"Spit it out already!" Maki groaned, throwing a tissue box at the girl.

"Okay! Do you think we're dating now!? I mean we didn't really say anything – like we confessed how we felt and stuff, but, well, you know... we didn't, like, put a label... on it..." Yuzuha withered under Maki's utterly baffled expression, the trench of her brows was enough to make Yuzuha feel stupid for asking.

Yuzu and Lime - Jujutsu Kaisen 0 (Okkotsu Yuta)Where stories live. Discover now