Chapter three

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Hellloooo thank you for reading so far, here's the next chapter I hope you like it! I'll try and get the next one out earlier tomorrow, maybe I'll post two actually. We'll see. I don't want to keep you hanging after this, since I know the feeling of having to wait haha

That night Yuzuha found she couldn't sleep. She'd returned early and reported the mission to Gojo, who had laughed at her state and confirmed her suspicions that he didn't tell her on purpose. It was reassuring to know that somehow the curse was a second grade, though it felt barely fourth grade but she'll take it. Ieiri patched her up, the scratches were minor and so nothing ultimately to worry about. The curse had some sort of heat or fire element to it but Yuzuha practically ignored any and all fire attacks so whatever it imbued it's claws with didn't work – since any flame that touches her gets absorbed and turned into her own energy; though such a thing comes with its own risks of course, if she absorbs too much then it's possible she could evaporate all of the moisture in her body and crumble away. Anyway, that wasn't why she couldn't sleep. Her back was a little tender so she couldn't sleep on it but for some reason she just couldn't find her eyes staying shut. She hated the idea, but something was pushing her to go for a walk. The only reason she complied was because she was beginning to get hot, that was the only reason.

She soon discovered the reason her mind was telling her to go for a walk.

"I feel like we've been here before. Can't sleep? Okkotsu."

"Takagi!" The boy whipped his head to the sound of her voice and instantly recoiled and darted his eyes away.

Oh right, my pyjamas. I'm not wearing a shawl this time.

"Sorry, I'll go get a coat or something," she said, hearing him shuffle behind her when she turned around. Her face flushed when she felt his hand gripping her wrist, she would hope he didn't notice the way her skin flared – but it was likely he thought it normal for her.

"No! It's fine, I don't want you to be uncomfortable," he stuttered, letting go of her wrist almost as quickly as he grabbed it. "You're really hot to the touch anyway, it's okay – in fact I'm sorry I'm like this." He spread his hands over his face in embarrassment. Yuzuha really wanted to see the expression on his face, but held back from breaking the boundary.

"No, well, I mean I don't want you to be uncomfortable either, I don't mind covering up a little if it makes you actually look at me." Yuzuha watched his fingers twitch, then slowly he dragged them away from his face and looked up through the cracks. As she'd expected his face was on fire, she could practically see his eyes shaking as they tried to not look away. It wasn't like she was naked, she just had on some lacy shorts and a thin, but cute and puffy, camisole sort of thing going on. But this was Okkotsu, who hadn't even seen a ladies collarbone until a few weeks ago. Yuzuha smiled and offered a short laugh at his blatant struggle. "I see you're determined. Thank you."

He'd given her his own coat to sit on since the ground would dirty her pale pyjamas, other than their debate on whether or not she should accept it, they sat for a few minutes just looking at the sky.

"I heard you got hurt on your mission," he spoke, breaking the silence that had fallen between them.

Yuzuha opened then closed her mouth, wondering just where he heard it from considering she didn't tell anyone but Gojo. And there her answer was.

"I heard you got hurt on yours. I got nothing but a few baby scratches since I let my guard down, didn't you fight with a first grade curse or something? Or was it semi grade one? Whatever, either way it's impressive." She pat him on the shoulder, bearing a wide grin. "I'm kinda proud," she laughed quietly, bundling up her legs into her arms.

Yuzu and Lime - Jujutsu Kaisen 0 (Okkotsu Yuta)Where stories live. Discover now