Extra three

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hellooo hope everyone is well. I return for the next extra chapter!! I got a lot of writers block over the past month and haven't really done a lot... I wrote a little oneshot for Venti from genshin but other than that nothing's really been clicking... hahh anyway this is a lil late and should've been finished a while ago but regardless I hope it stands up to expectation.

Also I think I might've ascended to some kinda poet society at the end, I blame writing at almost 1am which is my typical poem writing hour.


Yuta awoke to the same shrill ring of his phone alarm as he had done so for the past year; groggy still, he groaned and turned over in the bed. He stretched his arm over his face to block the newly registered light from filtering through his eyelids, though he knew inherently that he couldn't just keep his eyes closed and return from the blissful dreams he'd been able to see. It was rare he slept so well, honestly – let alone having a dream. Rubbing his eyes open, he glimpsed through the crack at his phone, registering the godawful 6am number burning his retina for a moment, he groaned again but made moves to sit himself up. However, upon opening his eyes properly and seeing not a soul stirring beside him, he decided that he really didn't like dreaming.

He brushed his teeth slowly, his face looking even more gaunt than ever despite his brilliant sleep; all thanks to the dream he wished he never saw. It was made worse by the fact that she wouldn't be able to visit for a while now – he told her not to skip the exchange event but found it a decision he regretted making. Still, he washed his face and styled his hair back before Miguel came calling for him in order to continue training. He remembered Gojo sending a message the night before, reminding him that he'd be arriving at lunch to visit – Yuzuha probably would've been on the same flight if she came along, the knowledge of Gojo coming was enough to remind him that Yuzuha wasn't going to be making an appearance like they'd both expected. Yuta had to stifle his impatience and pining for Miguel's sake at least. He felt bad for the man when he first arrived – Yuta remembered going on and on about how much he missed his friends back home, how depressed he got when he realised Yuzuha wasn't just an arm away; not to mention the first time she visited Miguel had to put up with them both being, quite literally, inseparable.

"Not excited to see your teacher?" Miguel grinned, teasing Yuta's barely controlled grimace. "Well, I'm sure not," Miguel sighed but continued to walk just a few paces ahead, definitely a lot more gung-ho than Yuta.

"Ah... no, I am but-" Yuta heaved a heavy breath, Miguel noticed his shoulders sagging more than usual and quickly came to the conclusion before the boy spoke further.

"She's not comin' this time, huh?" Yuta shook his head, confirming the man's suspicions. Miguel put on a warm smile and pat the boy on the back, hard, before attempting to cheer him up: "Cheer up, I know it's been a while, but it's not like she's never gonna visit again. Who knows, maybe she'll turn up next week?"

"No, that's when the exchange event is," he explained quietly, "she's helping the first years train for it this week, or so I heard."

"This event takes a whole week?" Yuta shook his head again. "Then she'll probably turn up next week don't you think? I mean from what I know of you two, there's no way she won't jump on a plane as soon as she's finished with that school business."

Miguel's jest had a smile rising to Yuta's face, soon enough he let out a curt laugh and nodded. He pulled up the bag on his shoulders and continued walking through the hallway looking just a little bit happier.

"Yeah, you're right. She'll definitely come."

"You shit faced balding excuse of a teacher, I hope you get into a plane crash and have to camp out in the back end wilderness of Indonesia; actually I hope you get mauled by a tiger. Not even cursed energy can save you from the jaws of nature, actually start calling me nature I'll kill you myself."

Yuzu and Lime - Jujutsu Kaisen 0 (Okkotsu Yuta)Where stories live. Discover now