Chapter one

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Let's return to the past, shall we?

Yuzuha sat on the grass just outside of the main school building, one might say she was cutting class – she opted to consider it avoiding responsibility. Plus, apparently there was a new student enrolling – the sour girl had enough trouble with the other three, she wasn't looking forward to interacting with the new guy. Though she complains, it was a pleasant surprise to know that her classmates didn't treat her like a walking bomb – in fact she got along with them really well when she had the energy. But who was to say the new kid would be the same? It's just another body to entertain, someone else to suck the life out of her. Being alone was just preferable, she didn't have to think, didn't have to worry about anything.

She fiddled with the blades of grass, looking up at the clear sky; the wind blew briskly, the weather starting to get colder as the year went on, however she didn't shiver at the sudden chill – in fact she didn't even feel the chill. Dressed in a long skirt and a thin long-sleeve, it wasn't too strange that the cold wind didn't bother her. Until the grass started giving off smoke, that is.

"-ah." The girl furrowed her brows, disappointed, and sighed at the sight of ash on her fingertips. Great.

"Oh Yuzuha! Ditching school is a big no-no! Especially when your new classmate is attending for the first time!" An utterly insufferable voice cut through her mediocre peace. Turning, she grimaced at the sight of the man skipping over to her; her teacher, or so he called himself. She couldn't really recall him actually teaching her anything thus far into the year. That take was, unfortunately, untrue. He had in fact helped her out numerous times, although to call it teaching, well, perhaps she was right in a way.

"Gojo sensei," she greeted curtly, a quiet drawl of a voice to match her words. "I forgot." She turned her head on its side, averting her eyes to the nearby treeline. A lie, a very clear lie. However, just like always, he let her get away with it.

"Well it can't be helped. Maki and Yuta are going on their own mission, I'll be going with them but you've been given your own. Think you can handle it?" She saw his tricky smile, it was entirely different to a genuine one – it was plain to see somehow, but she could just feel the childish connotations behind it. He was the biggest fan of teasing and pushing buttons after all.

She hummed. "I'll smoke them out."

Yuzuha went through the stages of her mission with ease, she felt like a one man insect extermination service, but the walk and fresh air was nice until she polluted it. She'd received an email from Gojo mentioning the result of Maki and Yuta's task – the result being Maki's hospitalisation for a night. She contemplated visiting before the crushing reality of crowds warded her off, not to mention the utter stench of hospitals. Brushing a hand through her bushy hair, making sure it fell correctly over her face, she headed back to her dorm where she planned to read before falling asleep. A boring lifestyle for a boring person, she was rather proud of the routine. Boring meant predictable, and predictable meant unreliable; the more unreliable she came across the less people tasked her with. Such a thing didn't work on her teacher, nor her classmates, though.

Come to think of it, she still hadn't met that Yuta guy. She huffed. That would be tomorrow's problem.

Yuta sat on the bench beside his teacher, a harrowed look in his shaken eyes. The possibility that he was the one to curse Rika plagued his mind continuously, ever since the thought entered his mind – he couldn't escape from it.

"Um, sensei..." he spoke quietly, considering the day's events in order to think of something – anything else. "You mentioned before that there was another student right?" He frowned at the thought, was it a yankee? They ditched class right? They were a total delinquent! Was he gonna get bullied again? He couldn't remember their name, but his mind had already conjured an extremely muscular male figure, tank top and chains, the whole shebang. He shivered unconsciously at the thought.

Yuzu and Lime - Jujutsu Kaisen 0 (Okkotsu Yuta)Where stories live. Discover now