Chapter six

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yoohoo :DDD Today's chapter! You should expect the next few chapters to come out later in the evening, I work during the day and then its indefinite slump in bed until I can be bothered to grab my laptop ehheee........ Anyway--- hope you enjoy this! There were some things I thought of changing but im lazy aha 0_0.

Quick thank you to all of the people who have commented, reading them really brightens my day! I look forward to getting new ones :33

"So did you get to practice your technique?" Yuzuha brought up during their walk through the forest – despite being in a battle royale situation they were being awfully lax about it. Yuzuha was surprised Yuta wasn't nervous any more, she did notice he'd taken down a few of the Kyoto sorcerers and curses, though, so maybe that instilled some confidence in him. She took note of a couple scratches on him, and made sure to fret over them for a moment, before returning to the more important topic. "You fought quite a bit didn't you? Anything click yet?"

He looked down in thought, eyebrows trained together. He hummed for a second before scratching his head, "I think I'm getting to grips with the feeling behind it, but I can't figure out how to activate it properly yet..."

"Well Rome wasn't built in a day, you'll get it in time. For now, let's focus on ending this stupid event. I've already been forced to harm so many trees, I'd rather not lay waste to any more." She frowned, thinking back to the unnecessary sacrifice she made just to distract her opponent. She really was just a walking disaster, she couldn't help but burn that which she loved. So much for someone who loved nature, she had no issue reducing it to ash.

"Right. It really is a bother that all these trees are here... I wish it could've been in a field instead," Yuta sighed, dragging his hand over the bark of a tree they passed by; hearing that, Yuzuha began to laugh, however.

"Yuta, it wouldn't be much of a competition if we could clearly see all of the released curses and the other team."

His bashful look of enlightenment just had her laughing harder.

"Ah- yeah, of course – I forgot about that..." His head fell forward, ashamed at the oversight. Yuzuha was having the time of her life watching the rainbow of emotions he was going through, it was like a movie that she didn't want to end.

"It's fine, though. I can't just not fight in a forest because I don't like setting fire to nature; it's not much but I do sponsor this charity – they plant one tree for every five hundred yen you donate. So far I've probably funded an entire wildlife park worth of trees, though I've burned through about the same amount. So in a way what I destroy I give back, sorta... it's a little bit self satisfying but it makes me feel better about myself – you know?" Yuzuha scratched her cheek, bashful at her own words.

Yuta's eyes glistened, staring at her in awe. She spoke as if it wasn't a big deal, in fact she probably didn't even think it was impressive at all – Yuta was of the opposite opinion. She burnt down forests worth of trees but she made sure to honour both herself and the life she destroyed by giving back, it was nothing if not respectable. Even if she said it was for her own self satisfaction, strangely he doubted that to be the case.

"That's really, really impressive. I don't think you're doing anything bad at all-" he smiled at her, "-what charity is it?"

Yuzuha was stunned for a minute before she snapped out of her running thoughts, "huh? Oh, I can show you later on when I pay for all the damages today." Her face wilted slightly at the memory, looks like her bank will be empty for another month. "Right – I forgot since we went on so many tangents," Yuzuha chimed, brightening up, "you were in the middle of a fight weren't you? Don't tell me you just up and left..."

Yuzu and Lime - Jujutsu Kaisen 0 (Okkotsu Yuta)Where stories live. Discover now