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It was awfully quiet aside from the sounds of cascading sands in the distance, despite the tranquil setting, Bruno couldn't sleep. Several times had these nights occurred where Bruno tossed and turn unable to get a minute of rest. Whether it was due to negative visions that were bound to happen regardless of the early warnings or due to his family expectations that were almost unreachable. It was all too much. The anxiety was eating at him ever so slowly. However one thing was bugging him the most.

"Bruno, when are you going to get married? Your sisters already have husbands and a child on the way."

His mother's words continued to haunt him, taunting him almost. He wished she would stop. It wasn't like he didn't want to find love. He desperately wanted to find love. To find someone who finally accepted him, flaws, anxiety and all. Someone he could share the rest of his life with. Someone so he finally wouldn't feel so lonely. Someone who made everything alright or at least made him feel that way.

Alma had begun suggesting some of the women in Encanto for her son weeks ago, but Bruno hadn't shown any interest in a single one which only angered her. There were only so many options to choose from and she was growing anxious that he would never settle down and make more magical grandchildren. He didn't want to disappoint his family especially his mother. He couldn't bare to continue to disappoint them.

"People already talk enough about you Bruno. What would people say now?"

He sat up from his hammock, brushing a hand through his dark curls in exhaustion. A shaky sigh escaped past his slightly chapped lips. He was sick of waiting for nothing... nobody. He couldn't go on like this. He needed answers. He usually wouldn't do this, especially not for himself, but at this point he was beyond desperate. Alma was growing impatient and honestly so was he. He needed to know if he would ever find someone. If he could make his mama proud. If he could bring honor to his familia. Get those people to stop talking. How magnificent would that be.

He made his way to the large empty sand pit in his room, down the dark stone wall, grabbing salt, a match and a few more items for his superstitious ritual. Hesitantly he made his way to the sand pit. Despite this being his gift and something he did for others often, he was a nervous mess. Memories of the town's people reactions to a vision they didn't like haunting him. Oh the things he could see. The glimpses of some of the horrible prophecies he had seen, loved ones dying, betrayal, hardships, jealousy, hatred and so much more. It made his stomach twist and turn. What if what he was wasn't good? How would he face his family if he knew that he would never marry anyone? Not give his mother the grandchildren she dreamed of.

He shook his head and quickly threw the salt over his shoulder as if ridding the awful thoughts from his mind. Then lit up a small fire in front of him. He cracked his knuckles before taking in a deep breath.

"Okay..." He exhales. "Let's do this".

With that being said, he closed his eyes and began to channel his vision. A gust of wind began to pick up, the sand around him catching on the breeze, whirling and weaving it into shapes and images, telling stories of future events for only Bruno to see. Once he felt grounded enough, focused enough, he opened his eyes. The once gentle hazel green now replaced with bright luminous jade green ones, matching the shades of the magic that wove throughout the sand. His hair whipped wildly around him as he desperately searched for something. Anything. A glimpse of a vision that could give him some indication as to what was in store for him.

The luminous flecks of green began to form an image. There he saw what looked like la casita in the distance seemingly growing closer as if he was walking towards it himself. He never seen a vision for himself before. He never knew it would be so realistic and in his own point of view. Before he reached la casita Bruno was startled by a tap on his shoulder. He quickly turned expecting to see a family member but instead was met with a emerald image of a girl. No, a young woman to be exact. She had (dark/light) (length) hair that flowed effortlessly in the imaginary wind of the vision. Her (curly/wavy/straight) hair perfectly framing her face. She was absolutely beautiful that Bruno was lost in the green image flickering before him. As a matter of fact she was the most beautiful woman he has ever laid eyes upon. His heart began to speed up upon seeing the woman smile at him with such admiration and trust. Just as Bruno was about to speak up the young woman reached over at his hands, her soft palms meeting his calloused ones. Her lips moved but no sound came out. Oh how he wanted to know what she said in that moment. Bruno felt his chest tighten, hope flickering to life within him, which then quickly began to spread throughout his entire being like a wildfire as he watched the events of his vision unfold. The woman closed her eyes slightly tiptoeing to reach him. He was awestruck as he saw her sweet small lips begin to pucker up. He couldn't help but let a small laugh of amazement escape his lips as he watched himself wrap his arms around her waist and pull her into his embrace before capturing her lips. Right before Bruno could stop the lovely vision...

Other visions began to form.

Him and the woman were surrounded by his family in this one. His family had faces of concern, some shocked, and others in despair. Bruno's once delighted expression changed into one of dread. He could no longer see the woman he had already fell for which made a ball form in his throat. Suddenly the vision shifted into one where it was storming outside of what looked like the forest near his casa. He looked down and hugged his knees as tears desperately hit the already damp grass beneath him. As he focused on the vision he could almost feel the emptiness in his chest as he saw himself sobbing in the pouring weather.

His eyes fell upon the vision, just before it faded out of focus and was lost to the whirlwinds around him. The vision shifted as he saw his future beloved crying and shaking her head slightly at him. Again her mouth moved but he was unable to hear or understand what she wanted to say. That's when the whirling sand stopped and the green images dispersed before him.

His hands found his hair, gripping it tightly at the roots and he let out a shaky breath. A hint of green caught his attention that laid a few feet away from him. He crawls over to it and it was a jade slab glowing with an image. It was the woman holding hands with what he could assume to be himself. He could not see his face but it was most certainly him as he had the same messy curls as his own just longer and the familiar ruana with the hourglasses embroidered on it. Upon moving the jade slab the image transformed into a different one. His very being ached as he tilted the shard. He could then see himself with his hands buried in his face, his body hunched over all by himself beneath the rain. He was crying in agony. To what? He wasn't sure and he was scared to find out. He desperately tilted the jade shard studying both the images as if his life depended on it. Was this an uncertain vision? A vision that could change depending on the actions taken? Meaning the future was undecided? Of course this would happen to him. He was bad luck according to everyone in town and this only made him believe them. Still, Bruno couldn't believe there was a possibility that he may find love. His other half. His amor. His future wife. His soul mate.

But who was she?

This woman he was supposed to spend his life with yet he had never seen her before. He didn't even know her name. Was she even part of the Encanto? Everyone knew everyone here. Surely that meant she was an outsider. Or perhaps they had just never crossed paths. She looked younger than him by a few years however upon closer examination on the tablet in his hands he notices a few more details. In the image where Bruno was by himself he seemed much older. As for the other one he couldn't tell what his age was as his back was turned. This only annoyed him but judging by her face he must have not been too much older or so he thought. He was 29 now and she looked around early twenties so... Was he going to meet her soon? A gasp escaped his lips at the realization. When? How? Where? Bruno often kept his head down when walking through town, not wanting to see how others stared at him as he passed by, or how some would avoid him like he was cursed. Maybe he was. He sure as hell felt like it sometimes. If they were fated to meet soon he couldn't continue to avoid people or at least stop trying to hide his face so often. He could ask his sisters if they have seen her. Then he shook his head. He couldn't. They would ask too many questions. Questions he has no answers for. Bruno casts his attention back to the vision in his hands.

"I promise I'll find you, mi amor." he whispers as he tilted the slab revealing the other fate. "I won't let whatever bad may come happen to us."

He held the tablet close to his chest. "Lo prometo..."

Todo Estaba Escrito (Bruno Madrigal X Reader) Encanto FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now