Pérdida de Esperanza

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Bruno had searched all of the Encanto for the love of his life. She was nowhere to be found which was not a surprise to him but it still was disappointing. Perhaps she was an outsider who moved into the Encanto and with that thought Bruno began to wait. He waited days expecting the beautiful lady to arrive. Days became weeks. Weeks became months. Months became years. Years became decades. So much has happened in the Encanto since that vision of you. He had many more visions but none consisted of you or any romance in his life. Instead he had visions of other's lives, his nieces, nephews, and sisters. None were about you. His visions only worsened throughout the years. His sister Julieta's younger daughter, his niece, Mirabel was in a horrid vision where the magic of the familia would be lost. Taking all of the blame and realizing that you were no where to be found, he left. By leaving, he just hid behind the walls of casita with his companions, the rats. He couldn't bare to actually leave his family that he loved so much. He also stayed in case you were to arrive in the casita one day but of course you didn't. No surprise there.

After about a decade Bruno was brought back to the family by his beloved niece Mirabel. Despite all of his bad luck, he was surprisingly admitted back into the family with open arms. Of course people were still wary of him. That was going to take time and he was so used to waiting at this point, he decided to accept it. However what he couldn't accept was never finding you. Even upon returning to the outside of the walls, you were no where to be found. Bruno did not leave the house much but he did see a lot of familiar and new faces as they helped built la casita.

Finally, la casita was rebuilt and their powers were restored. Everyone was overjoyed and were eager to celebrate. Everyone except Bruno. Yes, he was happy that he was back with his loved ones and to see how bright their smiles were, however he couldn't help but feel lonely. He felt a big part of him was missing and he knew it was you. The night casita was built there was an enormous celebration in the Madrigal household. Bruno had participated a bit which was just him standing in a corner majority of the time and occasionally being called by Mirabel for pictures. Bruno endured this for two hours before deciding he needed to be by himself. He sneaked his way to his new rebuilt room. It was similar to his old room however this time he had an extra small room where he could rest comfortably without any sand bothering him. He walked over to his bed which was a huge upgrade from the hammocks he slept on most of his life. His hands dig under his pillow and pull out a familiar green tablet. He studies it longingly almost as if waiting for the image to come to life. He stared at the image of the young woman smiling at him. He felt a tear escape landing on the tablet. As he wipes away the tear he tilts the slab revealing the second image where he was hunched over, alone in the rain, crying to himself. The sudden realization hit him. This was going to be his future. Wasn't it? He had messed up somewhere in his life which had caused this to happen. He knew it was too good to be true. There was no way he would find love. He tilts the vision once more to see your beautiful face. His vision began to blur as tears formed in his eyes.

"Perdona me (Forgive me)." He sobs quietly. "I failed you..."

He wanted you. He needed you. You were his only hope to continue his path of existence but now what was the point? You two should have met by now. You were young in the vision and he was in his 50s now. You were probably already married with children. Perhaps he messed up so bad in his life, you probably never even came to Encanto. What was he to do? His mother wants more grandchildren. His nieces and nephews want another Tia. His sisters want a cuñada (sister in law). Most importantly, he wants and needed love. One that his mother, sisters, nieces, or nephews couldn't provide him with. He laid down with the tablet held tightly against his chest as he slowly drifted off into an unrestful sleep.


The next day Bruno was accompanying his niece Mirabel to pick up groceries just like they always did. They were at a market that had their fresh produce outside for display. Bruno scanned the tables filled with different fruits and vegetables. Mirabel was talking non stop about some interesting and pretty women she had seen at the party around Bruno's age and he honestly was not listening in the slightest. He just nodded and occasionally hummed to fake interest in what she was spewing at him. Mirabel noticed.

"Are you even listening?" she folded her arms.

"Si claro." he lied as he picked up a fruit from a basket.

"Mentiroso (liar)." she mumbled.

Before Bruno could defend himself he heard a ruckus a couple shops down. It was a group of men laughing and playfully hitting each other. Bruno looked back at his niece who rolled her eyes.

"You know them?" he asked.

"Dolores told me about them." She whispered as she grabbed the fruit from Bruno's hand, placing it in her basket. "They are mujeriegos (womanizers)."

"Mujeriegos?" Bruno questioned.

Mirabel hummed.

"Must be nice to be loved by women." Bruno mutters.

"Not when you pay them to pretend." Mirabel walks towards another table.

Bruno was confused and followed behind her. "Pay for them to pretend?"

"Ay Tio," Mirabel sighed adjusting her green frames. "I'm not a baby. You don't have to pretend to not know."

Her uncle's dark brows were knitted together, dark emerald eyes completely oblivious. Mirabel's expression changed into one of disbelief. "Wait you really don't know?"

Bruno shrugged. "Not a clue."

Mirabel pulled her uncle closer to her startling him in the process. She leaned close to his ear as if what she was going to say was the biggest secret in Encanto. "They go to el burdel."

Bruno's cheeks heat up at the final word. He has only heard that word once but it was in a novel he read years ago. If what he read was correct then that was a brothel, a whorehouse.

"Th-there are umm- uh.." Bruno couldn't finish his sentence.

"There are prostitutas (prostitutes) in Encanto, Tio." Mirabel answered for him. "Dolores won't tell us who they are for respect and privacy which is strange since she loves gossip, but it's honestly disgusting that it goes on here."

"Then w-why doesn't mama umm your abuela-"

"Stop them?" She finished. "Because there's no law against it and she hasn't caught them so... that's why."

Bruno still felt the heat on his cheeks as he looked back at the group of men making obscene gestures as they spoke. Mirabel decided to change the subject as she could tell her uncle was uncomfortable with the conversation that took place. Which yes he was but unbeknownst to her he was also curious.


Mirabel and Bruno had brought back the groceries needed for dinner. Julietta thanked them as she now had all the ingredients to make her meal. Bruno would usually hang around the kitchen and watch Julietta cook as she told him stories but today he decided to go for a walk. His mind was preoccupied with the thoughts of Mirabel and his conversation earlier. He consistently shook his head as if to shoo away the wild thoughts. Good thing he went for a walk to attempt to clear his mind. However this quickly changed upon seeing two of the men from earlier slowly walking in his direction. Bruno hurriedly hides behind some trees to overhear the conversation. Why was he doing this?

"Where is the place again?" one man asked with eagerness in his voice.

"It's all the way at the end of the Encanto." The other responded with a small grin. "It looks like a coffee shop but it's obviously not."

"Ah," the guy nods as if recalling where the location was. "It's the run down place run by that old hag right?"

"Si," he chuckles.

"My wife is definitely not fulfilling my needs." The first guy sighs. "She doesn't even treat me well after sex."

"I recommend you ask for doll 7. She's really good and gentle afterwards. She's also grown and has an amazing body to f-"

That was more than enough for Bruno to hear. He quietly turned to walk in the opposite direction. As if fighting a desire Bruno darted back to la casita as his mind screamed at him.

No lo hagas Bruno.

No lo hagas Bruno.

Don't do it Bruno.

Don't do it Bruno.

He won't right?

Todo Estaba Escrito (Bruno Madrigal X Reader) Encanto FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now