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The night was moonless, so the dirt paths and paved roads were darker than usual. Even sticking to the main streets, the most direct route back to Casita, he wouldn't be seen from a distance. Regardless he didn't care if  he was seen at least in this moment. He was overjoyed of what happened half an hour ago. You kissed him. Yes, on the cheek but it was still out of your own free will. You didn't scold him for pecking your forehead instead you accepted and returned it. All the way back to the casita, Bruno was beaming as he could still feel the ghost of your lips connect with his cheek.

Upon arriving to the house he removed the hood of his ruana with a grin still plastered on his face. He quietly makes his way to the stairs of the casita to go to his room. He reaches his arm out to open his personalized special door.

"Tio?" Bruno jumped, gasping and turned to see Dolores coming out from her door down the hall. "Why are you up so late?" She asked in a whisper.

Bruno chuckled nervously, scratching his right arm. "I-I was in the bathroom."

Dolores tilts her head to one side as she paces closer to her uncle. "Why is your heart beating so fast?"

Bruno flinches clutching his chest anxiously. "Ah, I Uhh it's because you scared me."

Dolores raised an eyebrow. "But your heart is beating in ways that aren't from being startled."

"What do you-"

"Tio, are you interested in someone?" Dolores asked bluntly.

"W-what no," Bruno lied letting out more nervous chuckles. "I was just in-"


"No!" He denied too quickly only making Dolores more suspicious. There was a moment of silence between the two.

"Tio," her voice was barely above a whisper. "You know that we're here for you, right?"

Bruno remained silent as he listened to his niece.

"We will always be by your side," and with that Dolores squeaked and went downstairs to presumably the bathroom.

Bruno sighed. He needed to be more careful. Sneaking out like this every night was proving to be more difficult than he expected. Now that Dolores knows what time he is out and about, he knew she would be on higher alert. Her room was soundproof but if she knew that her uncle was hiding something, she would make her way out of the room often to eavesdrop on him. It wasn't very kind of her but it wasn't for malicious intentions. She was just looking out for her uncle and he knew that. However him admitting he loved someone was going to stir up a lot of discussion in the Madrigal household especially from his mother and sisters. They have been waiting decades for Bruno to find someone and settle down. He knew his mother's expectations were astronomically high so it had to be a very specific woman he had to bring home. You were everything his mother would want in a daughter in law, beautiful, sweet, caring, loving, all except for two things. One being that you were half his age and the other being the hardest to swallow, you were a prostitute. If his mother knew this let alone the fact that Bruno has been going to a brothel and paying for you, would only have his mother banish him once more. He didn't want that so he needed to be more cautious. Not just for himself but also for you. What would people say if they caught you with him? Bruno was the curse of the town, a walking disgrace to the Encanto village. A 50 year old man desperate for love and affection. A pervert seeking attention at a whorehouse. What would they say about you? You seeking for wealth was the one that he worried the most about. He knew you weren't that type of person just by looking at you but he knew people would believe you were trying to make a name for yourself since people would only see your occupation not who you were as a person.

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