Juntando las Piezas

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Not even a whole 24 hours had passed and Bruno found himself making his way to the Casita de Amor again in the dead of night. He had eagerly waited for his entire family to say their good nights and go to bed. He rushed over to not waste a second of time to be with you. Unlike last time Bruno barges into the shop-like cabin and walks over to the front desk where the same old lady from yesterday stood. The lady didn't recognize him as the man always wore his hood to cover his face.

"May I help you?" She asks softly.

"I want to umm..." Bruno pulls out his coin pouch. "s-spend time w-with muñeca 11."

"Ah." The lady realizes this was the man from yesterday. "Nice to see you again, señor."

Bruno grabs a handful of coins that nearly spilled out of his hands and placed them on the counter. He works up the courage to ask. "M-May I have 2 hours with her?" He asked. "Is this enough?"

Again the elderly woman was surprised to see the amount of coins this man was willing to give for you. "More than enough." She grabs the coins and puts them inside a small wooden box. "Follow me." She says before walking in the familiar direction as the night before.

Bruno follows and watches as she knocks in that rhythm he never understood. It was odd to say the least. Is this how people felt when he knocked on wood randomly? He hoped not. Finally a gentle knock could be heard coming from the other side. He felt butterflies in his stomach. With that the old lady said her goodbyes and left. Bruno's once eager and confident demeanor diminished as he awkwardly made his way inside. Again Bruno knocked a few times on the wooden walls before you approached him.

"Ah," you smiled and made your way over to the mystery man. "Señor is that you?"

"S-si," Bruno rubbed his left arm nervously. "Hola?"

"Hola," you walk closer to him. "You didn't have to pay so much last night."

"What do you mean?" The older man asked.

"I heard how much you paid for me yesterday." You looked away embarrassed. "Let me make it up to you today?"

Make it up to me? Bruno thought. Why would you need to make anything up to him? He paid for you to do those things yesterday. Yeah, it wasn't anything sexual but it still felt intimate and he enjoyed every single minute with you even if it was just a service. You lead him over to the bed and gently push him to sit. Bruno watched as you went on your knees and began to massage his legs. If it wasn't for the hood covering Bruno's face you would be able to see the sheer amount of confusion on his face.

"If I would have known you were so generous..." you lightly squeezed his ankles. "I would have not let you leave empty handed."

What in the world were you talking about? Before Bruno could even ask what you meant your hands travel up to his thighs. Wait. That's when Bruno realized what you were insinuating. Your hands trailed beneath his ruana down to his hips and you began undoing the buttons of his pants. Ay Dios mio. Bruno couldn't lie and say he didn't want this but not like this. It was too soon and he wanted both of your first intimate moment to be more special. Heck, you didn't even know his name yet. As a matter of fact you don't even know what he looks like yet you were on your knees before him with your hands in areas of his body nobody has ever touched before.

"Espera (wait)," Bruno places a hand on your right arm. "You don't owe me anything."

"Yes I do, señor." You look up at the hooded man. "You paid 10 pesos for my time and I didn't do anything."

Was that a lot? He was worried it was too little.

"Y-you did everything I wanted." He defended. "P-please you don't-"

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