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She knows who I am.

She knows who I am.

There's no way I can go back.

She's going to tell everyone and I'm done for.

Bruno was pacing back and forth in his room, his rat companions staring at him almost as if knowing he was troubled. He was bombarded by the worst case scenarios. Then again he felt like he could trust you. He had the feeling you wouldn't say a word even to your boss. Still, Bruno's anxiety got the best of him.

Should I even go back?

She made me cum-

Yet I didn't do anything for her.

I didn't please her...

How can I not go back and at least thank her for what she did...

Bruno's thoughts kept him up for the rest of the night.


Of course. I'm back here...

Bruno stared at the beaten down shack. He had told himself all day he wasn't going to return but once everyone in Encanto presumably went to bed, his feet mechanically made their way to the brothel. This was probably just his fate. The least he could do was redeem himself from running away and not being a man who could deliver rather than just receive. Before stepping into the cabin he takes in a deep breath and gets into character. A character he knew wouldn't back out. One that even a beautiful girl like you would swoon over. At least he hoped.


You sat on the bed patiently waiting for that one person to arrive. You hoped you hadn't scared him off for almost removing his hood. Today you made a note of not removing it no matter how curious you were. Still, you were 90 percent sure this was Bruno Madrigal. Who else had the name Bruno in town? Nobody. Nobody dared to name their son after the supposed curse of the village. A lot of things were said about Bruno. Awful things. At first you believed them as you were a child and gullible to people's words. As you grew up you realized how cruel people can truly be. Perhaps these things were all lies. There's no way one man could cause so much harm to a whole village, even if he had a powerful gift. It's not like he made the future happen. He only saw it, right? Regardless it was most likely him which explains his riches and secretive demeanor. You've never actually seen him in person despite his return to the Encanto. The closest thing you saw to his face was the mural in the plaza but that could be just as deceiving as the rumors around town.

Seven knocks came from the other side of the door prompting you to prepare for a client. You prayed it was him rather than someone new. You had gotten used to Bruno. You liked him. Not because of the money. You just liked how considerate he was despite what you were. Most people in town treated you with no respect especially now that you were a sex worker. Hoping for the best you walk over to the door and open it. There you saw the same hooded man with the familiar green ruana and instantly a smile appeared on your face. "Bruno?"

"No!" He walks in before slamming the door behind him. "I am Hernando."

"Umm what?" You asked tilting your head in confusion.

"I am Hernando," His voice was deeper than usual. "and I'm afraid of nothing!"

Your eyebrows furrow as you watched him seem more confident than the two previous nights. Was he trying to hide his identity by pretending to be someone else? Or was he trying to confuse you on purpose? "Umm Hernando?"

"Yes exactly!" He points his index finger up in the air. "I am here to apologize for the man who came here yesterday by showing you what he meant to do!"

"You mean, Bruno?" You followed his flow.

"S-si him," his act almost falters upon hearing the name out of your mouth. "He will no longer bother you."

"Oh," you force out a sigh. You had an idea. "That's unfortunate.."

"Perdon que? (I'm sorry what)" His voice was not as deep.

"I liked Bruno." You turn around almost in a low spirited manner.

"Y-you did?" His voice was back to normal.

You hummed.

"But why?" He needed an answer.

"I like his rambling and his voice.." you say. "He seems very special and gifted."

You could almost hear a small gasp come from behind you. There was a moment of silence but to your surprise he spoke up first.

"Y-you know who I am?" His voice was just above a whisper. "Don't you?"

You turn around and nod. Without thinking about it you made your way to him, and just like last night you reached out for his hood. This time he didn't run away or flinch. He stood still as a rock making it easy for you to hold onto the hood of his ruana. To his surprise you adjusted his hood hiding his face more than before. Before you could see his mouth and the bottom of his nose. Now all you could see was his chin and the bottom of his lips. Your hands meet his and you avoid looking at him so he didn't feel uncomfortable. "What should we do today, Bruno?"

Bruno's breathing hitched. Did she not mind me? Did she not care that I'm Bruno? The bad luck Bruno?  Why didn't you lower his hood? So many questions and no answers.

"Bruno?" you looked up at him slightly.

He needed to know. "Did you mean what y-you said?" He stares at the floor beneath him.


"W-what you said earlier..." he stuttered. "You like m-my rambling and you know umm the umm I-..."

"Si, señor Madrigal."

Todo Estaba Escrito (Bruno Madrigal X Reader) Encanto FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now