Tu, no el.

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Bruno was hesitant to go to the brothel that night. His family was asking too many questions and he knew Dolores would be on high alert. Things were also going to be strange between the two of you. Especially after what almost happened the night before. He had almost kissed you. The rules were simple and he almost broke the first one. Even so, when all the Madrigals went to bed he couldn't resist in leaving his room and slowly walking down the stairs of the casita. He knew how risky this was but a voice in his head kept telling him that he had to see you. Flexing his toes he stepped on the wooden tiles of the house prevent his sandals from smacking against the tiles, careful not to make a single sound. Before exiting the house he looked back to make sure nobody was around to spot him. Luckily not a soul was out of their room and with that he quietly makes his way to you.


Hood over his head he entered the infamous rundown shack. He walks over to señora Claudia and asks for you like he always did. He placed his money on the counter and without second thought she grabs it.

"Ah give me a minute Señor," she then points to the bench near the door. "Please have a seat."

Bruno was perplexed but he obeyed awkwardly sitting on the wooden bench. Why didn't she lead me to your room? Strange. Bruno thought.
The old lady disappeared into the corridor. Bruno could hear some muffled voices. After a couple of moments he heard footsteps growing closer to the main lobby. Bruno began picking at his cuticles like he always did when nervous. He just wanted to see you. After a long day of being interrogated by his family he needed to lay next to you and hold you in his arms. Soon Claudia and another person entered the lobby and a man's voice was heard, "I will come back but only for 11."

Instantly Bruno's attention was on the conversation taking place a couple of feet away.

"She's one of our newest dolls," Claudia almost sounded like she was bragging. "She's our youngest."

"I enjoyed my time with her." The man's words made Bruno's stomach turn. "Expect to see me soon. Have a good night."

"Buenas Noches."

Bruno took a peek at the man before he left the shack. He was young, tall, muscular, and had features that most Encanto residents did not have. He wasn't from around here and Bruno could tell. Bruno felt a tugging feeling in his chest. His mind began to wander. Did this man and you.. do things? Intimate things together? Bruno knew what you were and he came here knowing that he wasn't the only client. However Bruno couldn't prevent himself from feeling upset imagining you were with another man. What was this feeling? Anger? Sadness? Jealousy? It seemed like a mixture of all three.

"Señor,"Claudia snapped Bruno out of his haunting thoughts. "She's ready for you."

He stood up and mechanically walks over to the corridor and then to your room. Your door was slightly open and Bruno opens the door with uncertainty. There you were sitting at the edge of the bed with your usual attire but what caught Bruno's attention was your face. You seemed bothered and your hair wasn't in its usual tidy bun, it was a very messy one that looked as if you were in some sort of quarrel. He shuts the door behind him waking you up from your pensive thoughts. You look
up and force a smile at Bruno, "Hola Bruno."

"H-hi.." Bruno removes his hood.

"How are you?" You walk over to him grabbing his hand and gently lead him to the bed.

"B-bien," Bruno hesitantly sits on the bed. "And you?"

"Good," you sit beside him. "Thank you for asking."

Lie. Bruno could tell you were lying. He didn't know you for that long but it didn't take being a genius to know you were bothered by something. "You sure?"

Todo Estaba Escrito (Bruno Madrigal X Reader) Encanto FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now