29: The Locals

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Mara shielded her eyes from the sun, watching the blue sky and the birds overhead. The path they traveled was familiar, and with the buildings that approached came bittersweet memories. The memories of earlier days in which food and resources weren't yet scarce came flooding back, as well as the most recent events that had lead Mara to Jimin. Cuts and scratches, bruises and scars. Headaches and cramps, starvation and thirst. Nightmares and fear, trauma and pain. There was a pang in her heart at the events that comprised the last years of Mara's childhood. It was a wretched four years, a long and arduous crawl to reach where she was now. She couldn't believe she was so quick to leave it behind. It had seemed like the best options just hours prior, but then came a voice of reason by the name of Jungkook. It seemed odd to her for him to even try to encourage her. He lacked a proper incentive—that's what really stumped her.

Nevertheless, Mara refused to let her past ruin her present, her future of companionship, safety, and ambition. She couldn't let Namjoon win so easily—no.

The streets so far were deserted, only occasional freaks would stumble across their path, casually avoided by the four on their horses. Mara sat passively in the back, relishing in the fact that she didn't have to walk yet simultaneously guilty for making the horses do it for her.

Namjoon and Hoseok were quiet for the most part, only ever speaking when needed. Jimin and Mara however, had delved into long and light conversations about whatever came to mind, mostly about what they missed from back in the old days and even their school experiences. Mara had learned that Jimin was a dancer in high school and college, and yet she wondered why he was such a clutz.

"It must've been hard dancing with two left feet," she had teased, earning a light punch from him and a playful glare.

The sun was out, blanketing the city with warmth on a cool day. The winds weren't too intense in the city, but every now and then the girl would get the shivers. Jimin offered his jacket, but she stubbornly refused, opting to cuddle up into Jimin's back for comfort. Jimin would sigh, but she played it off with a laugh.

Ruins of the adjacent buildings and the marble statues marked the destination of the highly anticipated shopping mall. Albeit once a social spot where many gathered to shop and eat, the deserted remains left behind the history of a superficial, materialistic society. Surrounding buildings were equally as abandoned and dusty, with broken windows and miscellaneous items scattered around. A couple cars also laid about, with unquestionable stains and other misfortunes splattered on almost every inch. Vines and trees had begun to grow in random areas, the roots of suppressed sprouts beginning to slowly take back what was theirs.

19 year old Mara-

Or am I 20?

Watched the overgrown scape with wonder, her eyes glued to the assortment of bright flowers growing in haphazard patches between cracks in the pavement and the patches of grass by the sidewalks. Chaos and complete hopelessness for a better future aside, the overgrowth and disarray really suited the dystopia. The timeless marble statues of historic figures were scattered on the sidewalks, almost like a walkway of people frozen in time. Mara had marveled at it once, but seeing it again was just as impressive.

Hours had passed by filled with Jimin's pleasant voice, but as they arrived it was time for a more authoritative tone from the leader. Namjoon scanned the shopping center with narrowed eyes, heavily sighing.

"Right. Let's go look at the subway station first. It's the more promising entrance," Namjoon turned the horse and began towards the access into the station, followed by the rest and by the echoes of calm clopping. The four rounded the building, coming up on an entrance leading underground.

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