38: Not Worth It

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"Wake them up."

"I kinda don't want to."

Taehyung pinched the bridge of his nose, eyeing the way Jimin cooed at the two wrapped around each other under a mountain of blankets.

"We have to check up on the horses. Then we have to find a way back," Taehyung whined, "If you dont wake them up, I will."

Jimin sighed, nodding sadly, "Okay."

Mara was woken up with her vision blocked, the partial darkness going away as soon as she surfaced from the crook of Jungkook's neck. With a vision blurry from sleep, the girl blinked profusely, in disbelief of her current position.

Once her vision cleared, her eyes were stuck on something, or rather someone.

Mara stared at a still sleeping Jungkook, at his steady breathing, at the way his lashes rested gently on his rosy cheeks. His glowing tan skin, illuminated by the rays of the sun that came through the window, looked soft and supple. He looked to be in complete peace as he slept, lips as pink as his ears and cheeks. His dark hair fell messily over his forehead, ruffled by great sleep and good dreams.

"Yah!" Taehyung slapped the railing of the bunk bed, bringing Mara down from wherever she was—somewhere high and risky.

"Wake the fuck up," Taehyung snapped, grumbling to himself as he exited the room, fumbling with the radio. Mara snapped out of it, giving Jungkook a glance and quickly looking away. She felt herself slowly lose herself in something that bloomed in her chest.

Oh hell no.

Mara gently slapped her cheek a couple times, huffing. When looking to the side, she was met with an amused Jimin staring right at her. He raised his eyebrows at her, a grin spreading on his lips.

"Shut up. Shut up," she pointed at him, whispering her warnings in an effort to not wake Jungkook mid crisis.

"You heard the man," Jimin teased, "Wake up." He giggled to himself as he walked away. He left Mara to her thoughts, in partial solitude as Jungkook was still sound asleep. She hoped her thoughts wouldn't wake him up. He seemed almost too good at reading minds, and it was an unconscious skill of his as well.

"Mara don't you dare," Mara whispered to herself, sighing and turning to Jungkook.

Mara was startled to find Jungkook already staring up at her, still sleepy eyed, hazy-gazed with the faintest of smirks on his face.

Oh boy.

Mara chuckled sheepishly, "Good morning," she bid.

"Morning," he groggily spoke, his morning voice deeper that usual. He propped his head up, taking a deep breath.

"Good sleep?" Mara asked, trying to make conversation between awkward eye contact. At least awkward in her perspective. Jungook chuckled, nodding and closing his eyes again.

"Very warm," He mumbled. Mara felt herself grow hot. She agreed, though; a warm night indeed it was.

"I actually had some of the best sleep I've ever had," Jungkook softly frowned, deeply sighing once more before a small smile spread on his face.

"Me too, if I'm being honest," Mara softly replied, "Me too."

The morning came with a warm and incandescent sun. Upon looking out the misty window, Mara was met with a pristine white winter wonderland. It was a beauty, a landscape almost too bright to stare at for too long. As the group of four headed out of the complex, they were met with about two feet of snow. With how much it fell the day prior, the girl expected there to be several feet of snow. Upon returning to the garage the horses had been sheltered in, the group had to dig snow out, attempting to reach the bottom of the garage door to pull it open. When finally reaching the horses, Mara felt pity for the way that they shivered. They had huddled up, sharing body heat to keep warm. Mara felt her face grow hot, and she glanced at Jungkook, quickly looking away when he turned in her direction.

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