59: Polaroid

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"I guess someone can sleep in his room while he's away. He's not leaving forever so if you're going to sleep here, as soon as Hoseok comes back, it's back to being his," Namjoon lectured, pointing at everyone. He was about to leave before being reminded of another detail, and he turned to everyone once more, "Oh and make sure to clean up after yourself. Keep his room tidy."

Everyone—except and absent Yoongi—nodded in agreement. Jungkook, Jin and Mara all glanced at an oblivious Jimin, as he was now free to take up the room instead of being crammed with Taehyung. However, Jimin merely blinked, and with a smile he shrugged.

"I guess his room is gonna stay empty since we all have a bed to sleep in," he said, causing Jungkook and Mara to share a look. Taehyung caught sight of this, narrowing his own gaze at the youngest ones.

"You two look suspicious," Taehyung muttered, turning and dragging Jimin away with him. Everyone followed suit, all splitting up to complete their chores and whatever was incumbent upon them. At Namjoon's camp there were plenty of distractions to keep everyone's mind off of Hoseok's departure. However, the dreadful pang in their chests persisted upon seeing their friend leave for an indefinite amount of time. It manifested itself on their features as a minute frown downplayed by an occasional smile or a purse of a pair of lips that have been bitten far too much out of anxiety and concern.

Hoseok's antics were annoying sometimes but more annoying than that was his absence; and in its wake it left an uninhabitable vacancy. No one else seemed to fit right in, not like Hoseok. He was quite irreplaceable. Now they only had a Polaroid picture of him with everyone held to the fridge by a magnet. It came as a surprise for Taehyung to walk out with the camera in hand, suggesting they take two pictures—one for Hoseok to take and one for the group to keep. It was a sweet gesture, and regardless of his stoic nature, Taehyung's heart still seemed to warmly beat for his friends.

"I miss him already," Mara had mentioned to Jungkook, who somberly nodded and offered a sad smile to his partner. She kissed his cheek upon noticing his mood and knew the feeling was all too mutual.

"Like...a lot of us might not get along but once someone is missing it's...it's not the same," Jungkook added, brushing Mara's hair back from her face. It was a windy day, and no matter how much Jungkook tried to keep her tidy, the breeze would swoop in to dishevel his attempts. The two sat by the tree, with Mara between his legs and sat back comfortably into his chest. They'd worked hard to finish their chores, opting for a break together by Brownie and the tree.

"I can't imagine how Yoongi feels," Mara pouted, "If you or Jimin left camp all of a sudden? Indefinitely? I'd be so upset," she sighed in distress, "And it sucks because I know how close they both were."

Jungkook held her tighter, "I wouldn't leave you behind. You're going with me everywhere from now on," he reassured. Mara narrowed her eyes at him, playfully fisting the collar of his shirt.

"Yeah, you better not. I'll super glue myself to you. I'll-I'll surgically attach myself to you. I'll be hanging with you 24/7 like I'm your left ballsack, you think this is a joke?" Mara scoffed, unable to hide her smile once Jungkook's lips spread into a grin. He let out a hearty laugh before snaking his arms around her waist and giving her forehead a peck.

"You're crazy," he giggled.

Mara snorted, "Just a little," she sighed, "Anyways...I haven't seen Namjoon since we all split in Hoseok's room."

"I haven't either. He's probably at the office. He spends a lot of thinking time in there," Jungkook commented. Mara hummed, wondering if Namjoon was just as affected as everyone else. It seemed like it. Behind his stoic gaze was an undeniably dimmer glint. His eyes spoke louder than his stern words, and she could read them slightly better the longer she spent around him.

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