54: Vanished

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Mara woke up in the middle of a dream, vision blurry and still dazed, wishing for more sleep.  However, the ache in her back from having laid on it for far too long prompted her to roll over to her side. The girl did so extremely slowly, getting comfortable on the bed. The blanket over her and the duvet underneath cozily absorbed her body, her skin reveling upon laying on the cold side of the bed. The pillow was about as airy as a cloud, her head finding it hard to lift from something so plushy.

Mara noticed that the bed that had been previously vacant, was now inhabited. There was a silhouette just across from her, their backs towards her as they sat facing the window at the far back. She could make out the dark hair that glistened with the rays of a setting sun. Mara followed their line of vision, also watching the sky begin to darken. Their shoulders moved up and down slowly, their breathing relaxed. Mara doesn't remember what clothes Jin was wearing but she lazily assumed it to be him.

She didn't quite know how much longer she'd closed her eyes for sleep, but it beckoned her for some more.
Too sleepy to really ask any questions, and not really paying too much regard, Mara simply let her eyes close again. Her body melted into the bed, tranquillity spreading throughout her entire body.

The silhouette glanced back at Mara's sleeping form, curious eyes studying her features and the bags under her eyes. He stood from where he sat, taking slow steps towards her bedside. He peered down at her, glancing at the door, expecting someone to walk in. When nobody did, he raised a hand, letting it hover over Mara's face. He delicately brushed a strand of her hair from her face, tucking it behind her ear. He covered her back up in the blanket and made sure she comfortably rested on her IV.

The door of the infirmary opened, revealing a slightly startled Jimin. The lad curiously stared at the other, raising a brow.

"Hey, Kook. What are you doing here?" Jimin asked.

Jungkook placed his hands behind his back, shrugging and rounding the bed. He brushed passed Jimin, exiting the infirmary and going up the stairs to his room. Jimin frowned, nonetheless entering the room to pay Mara a visit. She slept soundly, and at this he grinned happily, having heard the news of her finally waking from her week-long sleep.

"This will be your new home, Mara," Jimin whispered, "I promise."

Mara groaned, covering her eyes with a lazy arm as the rays of sun flooded the room. She smacked her lips, grimacing at the dryness of her mouth and the awful taste of morning breath. Mara's eyes creaked open, and she looked up at the ceiling groggily.

Moments from the night prior flashed in Mara's head, her eyes widening and her stomach dropping.

Something heavy weighed down on Mara's chest. She looked down, a head of black hair poking at her chin and making her freeze.

The girl tried to remember everything, but after Jungkook had revealed his past, everything else seemed quite fuzzy. It came to her in chaotic patches and she was left to put a puzzle with several missing pieces together. With a heart that was erratically beating, Mara began taking the blanket off of her and Jungkook, hoping to slide right under and escape his arms for a moment.

However, as she lifted the sheets, a rather invasive draft blew under the covers. Mara frowned, but soon her eyes grew wider and wider the more she uncovered a rather bare Jungkook sound asleep and clinging to her. She peered down at her own body, her bare skin glowing in the sun.

Mara frantically looked around the room, her soul momentarily leaving her body at the sight of her clothes and underwear littered around the room.

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