4: Violet Bloom

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A/N: I'm sorry for switching the POVs around often, I'm just unsure of what to stick with in order to better progress the story. I hope you guys dont mind.)


The room felt stuffier than ever before, the heat from Mara's body making everything ten times hotter. She was panting, trying to catch her breath for a couple of minutes. She sat at the other side of the safe room, with lungs struggling to breathe, legs and arms burning, and a sweaty face.

She opened her eyes, dragging them to the boy that currently laid down on her makeshift bed. He laid peacefully, the panic drained from his face and replaced by delicately calm features. He must have been really stressed if he just fainted like that, Mara thought. Mara had never seen a guy look so angelic while sleeping, as weird as it was to say it.

Mara doesn't know the last time she's had such a vigorous workout. Carrying the male up the flight of stairs proved to be a strenuous task, despite the guy being lighter than Mara probably was. It took effort that Mara was willing to put into making sure the lad was safe. Despite how impossible it seemed, her will kept her going. If she'd left him down there or waited for him to wake up, both of them would have been in trouble, running the risk of being cornered once more. Mara had to make a quick decision.

The girl's breaths grew steady and easier to take in, her heart finally beating normally in comparison to a a few minutes ago when it felt as if it'd beat through her chest. There was relief in many ways, something that Mara thought of as rewarding. She didn't have any guilt lingering, and her conscience was clear. The male currently passed out had not been bitten or showed any signs of being bitten. At least from what Mara saw.

The ankle he'd been limping with had been a sight to see when Mara laid her eyes on it.

Upon slightly lifting his pant leg, Mara had been met with a painful looking swollen ankle. A violet bloom spread under the male's ankle, fading into a yellow bruising as it grew outwards. It didn't encompass the ankle, but it didn't take a doctor to tell that it was swollen. The boy was wearing shoes, the ties looking too tight for comfort and the shoe looking as if he'd gotten a size two times smaller than what he usually wore.

Now that she was back at the safe room, Mara contemplated what to do. She was unsure if it would be okay to take the guy's shoe off in the hopes that doing so would make the swelling subside even remotely.

No wonder the brutes caught up to you, Mara thought.

Biting her thumb nail, Mara glanced at the stranger's face. He was sleeping and a swollen foot was worth taking his shoe off.

Mara then took a look at her bandaged palms. The dirty bandage was peeling off, exposing her inflamed skin, where scabs had peeled off and left the burning skin to make rough contact with the bandage. All Mara could do was stick the bandage back up and
proceed to careful untie the guy's shoe, making sure to do it as gently as possible. When the shoe was untied and loose enough, Mara began to slide it off, pulling the shoe tongue as further up as she could in order to slide it off smoothly.

Smiling with success, Mara made sure the boy hadn't woken up yet before shimmying the sock down, revealing the swollen foot in all its...robust glory.

Mara winced, "Wow."

Mara looked back at her roll of bandage and knew that it would not be enough to help him. A sturdy wrap would take too must bandage, and she couldn't just use it all.

Maybe I'll just wait until he wakes up, Mara sighed, standing up and heading to her bag.

Mara wondered if bringing the guy back to her safe room was the best idea. It was always scary to see other people. People were not as frequent as they used to be. So coming upon strangers was a fight or flight or blindly trust in the hopes of getting someone with humanity left in them. You never knew who was what.

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