60 PT. 2: Lost at Sea

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—One Week Later—

"It's just that easy."

Namjoon snorted, "Just that easy, huh?"


She was a nice one.

"I should probably leave. Wouldn't want you getting in trouble for letting me into the—what was it called again?" Namjoon grimaced.

The girl snorted, "Wheelhouse. Nobody calls it that anymore though. At least I don't," the girl faced forward, "It's just where the wheel is."

"Ahh, the house of the wheel."

The girl playfully rolled her eyes, "Weren't you leaving?"

Namjoon grinned, lightly chuckling as he exited the room. They'd been on the ferry for a week. All the light talk and banter was barely enough to distract the two men from the fact that they weren't remotely close to land. Only with binoculars could Namjoon see the faint outline of the coast. The island was a thing of the past, left behind in an opaque mist.

Namjoon and Ed had to trust them. Whatever they had planned would be for the benefit of everyone on board, and surely they wouldn't jeopardize that for two men who had proven to be anything but threats. One good way to stay on their good side was to make friends with as many people as they could.

His friendship with Aida, the captain of the boat, was half and half. He couldn't say he let his guards down completely when with her, but he couldn't say she didn't tempt him to do so. It was nothing romantic in the slightest, but her aura was genuine, and those type of people would become harder to find the more you delved into the forsaken world.

Even in that point in time, Namjoon and Ed found themselves bumping heads with most of the women on board. It wasn't intentional, rather their ideals and remarks were beginning to sound a bit targeted.

"Have you talked to anyone today?"

Ed sighed, making a face, "I don't want to. Can't they just take us where we need to go and be done with this? I don't want to have to make friends with these people. These touch starved-"

"Be nice," Namjoon scolded.

"Look," Ed took Namjoon's hand, scoping the area for any eavesdroppers, "I have a bad feeling about these people," he whispered, "So I think we should take our own boat to the coast."

Namjoon turned serious, eyes staring back at Ed in deep thought, "What is making you so scared?"

Ed pursed his lips, shifting his gaze elsewhere, "I don't know. It's a gut feeling."

Namjoon sighed, "I'd be willing to do that, but the canoe's hull had a hole in it. We wouldn't make it to shore if we got on a sinking boat."

Ed looked over the railing, staring down at the canoe and the small, but otherwise significant hole at the bottom. Namjoon looked over to the other lifeboats, contemplating their next move. It was hard to do anything when constantly being watched by the women on board. It was clear that nobody trusted them yet, not enough to leave them unsupervised,

And certainly not enough to trust their word.

"One of them tried to flirt with me," Ed muttered, stare becoming void, "And I told her I was gay."

At first, Namjoon found no real problem with it, but the look on Ed's face spoke of fear...of dread. Ed didn't look too pleased to have let that bit of innocuous information slip passed his usually chatty lips, and suddenly Namjoon remembered the kind of world they had once lived in.

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