17: Life Goes On

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Autumn had run its course, and the trees began to sway for their leaves to roam freely. They swirled in a tangled waltz, lifted in the air by the cold fronts of an impending winter. Though humans weren't around to follow routines anymore, nature was still on a tight schedule. Flocks of birds traveled the skies in clouds of black and white, moving as far-flung guilds of feathers.

At ground level, Mara watched in amazement as kaleidoscopes traveled by, fluttering their wings inches from her face and often sticking to her as she walked through the streets of the empty city. They used to get stuck in the radiators and windshields of moving cars, their journey cut dishearteningly short. Now, they were free to reach their destination without the threat of bustling human life. As the days grew colder, Mara wore more and more layers of clothing. She wore the same coat as she did a year ago. Despite the wear and tear, she was warm as could be in such a weather. Unfortunately, coats were never enough to keep you warm on especially cold nights.

Mara had made it to the lodge after two and a half days worth a journey, just as they had planned—only with one less presence. Upon starting the journey, she had made a promise to Jimin. She'd at least make it to the lodge, the place the two of them would start anew—together. Mara had looked up at the lodge with relief, hoping that despite its outward appearance, the inside would be in good condition. Now, it was merely routine to lock the doors and have extra barricades in the room she slept in. She was settled in quite well, comforted by a quaint room in such a large house. It felt wrong to inhabit such a large space and only take up a small area. It was one person in a place for almost ten. However, the hidden palace had been uninhabited for a while, so she didn't feel too bad.

It was odd, wandering around a new town. It was never safe to begin with, but Mara knew there was no other way except to adapt. She wasn't new to moving around, thus it wasn't too foreign to her. It was always having to hide that slowed her down, but Mara had to make her way to her destinations as quickly as possible, sticking to the walls and always watching her back. There was so much to explore, but with all the time in the world, Mara wasn't too concerned about that.

A lofty lodge in the middle of nowhere, a large yard and a river close by; it was almost perfect. It was definitely big, riskier to find, as you could easily get lost. But Mara knew the way, and she was willing to take the risk. She had nowhere else to go, so looking for an alternative was not ideal. Mara admits that she took a little too long to start her move, as the shock of the incident with Jimin, and getting used to his absence was a huge hindrance.

Mara felt the slow change from city life, to suburban then woodland life. The tall buildings grew smaller as she walked farther, and soon, they peeked over the trees to watch her go deeper into the forest.

There were a few birds that chirped and crows that squawked, and Mara was in awe at the piles of fallen red, yellow and brown leaves left scattered amidst the path.

It proved a bit difficult to find the path Mara had taken last year. It was covered in thick, tangled vines that roped around trees and blanketed the path. It was good coverage that prevented anyone who was unaware of it from finding it. Thus, she had cursed it under her breath and tried her best to cut through the vines, her eyes focused on the gravel that lead to her palace.

It used to be called the Namhae Forest Lodge.

It was bittersweet to step through the overgrown weeds, the wild flowers and towering, blossoming trees. Her eyes would tear up, in her heart a burrowing ache that distracted her from the overwhelming thirst and hunger. Jimin had become a beautiful memory of months ago, one that Mara would surely remember. She was glad to have met someone different, someone...she missed—someone she would've done anything to save, someone she would do anything to bring back. Meeting new people was always a gift to her, and Mara wished to have Jimin's brattiness back. It was more than just about not being alone; it was about giving life back to someone who deserved it just like he deserved the world.

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