62: Reoccuring Nightmare

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(A/N: Can you guys imagine if authors wrote time jumps in their chapters and didn't update until that time jump was over? Anyways-)

A few months later...

Mara was sick...

She was sick of the smell of meat.

She was sick of the constant sickly feeling in her stomach that just never went away.

She was sick of Taehyung's chewing, even more so when he realized it ticked her off and proceeded to be louder.

She was sick of constantly being asked if she was okay.

No, God dammit, I'm not okay. Stop. Asking.

She hated being upset with Jungkook even though he had done nothing wrong. She would snap at him when everything around her became overwhelming. She couldn't help it when her emotions were all over the place. She was a little high maintenance all of a sudden, but Jungkook didn't seem to question it even though he really wanted to.

Why was she so irritable all of a sudden? Jungkook asked himself this every time she snapped, noticing the lasting frown etched on her face even as she slept. Subtle jabs from Taehyung weren't helping, and not-so-subtle jabs seemed to set her off.

"If I knew women could PMS that badly, I would not have..." Taehyung paused mid sentence, snorting to himself at his ill-mannered remark.

Mara to turned to him with a blank stare,"You wouldn't have what, Taehyung?" She muttered, holding the spoon in her hand with a death grip, "Say it."

His smile fell from his face and he rolled his eyes, "Geez, you see what I mean?" He asked, the table growing silent as Mara sat in her anger. Why couldn't anyone understand?

Oh man, Mara could feel her blood boiling. Her appetite was gone and she couldn't hold back the tears that pooled at her waterline. She hadn't cried in so long and the disappointment of letting Taehyung win was angering her. Everything was wrong, and it seemed like the aura of speculation from those around her would catch up to her.

Jungkook sighed, glancing with mere disinterest at Taehyung, "If you put as much effort into maturing as you've put in bothering Mara, maybe you wouldn't be so miserable," He said, shoulders deflating and voice airy yet filled with exasperation. He was tired, and he couldn't put up with Taehyung constantly poking at his girlfriend until she broke.

Taehyung scoffed, "You guys can't take a joke."

"A joke is supposed to be funny, Taehyung," Jin interjected with disappointment. Taehyung looked to Namjoon, expecting for the leader to vouch for his unnecessary comments. However, the leader did no such thing. He opted instead for a few words.

"She's having a hard time. Let her be."

Taehyung incredulously chuckle, "Are you guys blind?" He looked around the table, irritated by the blank stares he received in return. Taehyung glanced at Jungkook, doing a double-take when realizing he was gone. He'd left the table, girlfriend in hand, without another word. The air outside was pleasant, and though the sun felt nice on his tan skin he couldn't help be annoyed. He took Mara and sat them by Brownie's grave, her face scrunched up in deep thought. She didn't look like she was crying, but upon closer inspection her cheeks were flushed and tear stains glistened in the sun. She was so pretty even when she cried, and it was truly bittersweet to admire the love of your life even as they struggled from within. The pain made people beautiful just as much as innocence did.

Jungkook's annoyance and confusion dissipated, and he gently squeezed her hand. He didn't want to ask questions if she didn't want to answer them, but sometimes ignorance was not bliss; it was hell.

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