46: The Big Parade and the Nuances of Adulthood

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"Come on...please?"

A low murmur could be heard in response, ultimately causing Jin to sigh. He stumbled through half of a response before giving up and nodding,

"Okay. We'll be here if you decide to come out," he reassured. He withdrew his head after having it poked into Yoongi's room, gently closing the door. Jin turned to Mara, shaking his head in a downcast manner. Mara sighed, beckoning him to her. He stepped forward and his arm was enveloped by Mara's. She lead them down the hall and out of the house, into the slightly colder afternoon air. She lead them back to the stables, where the last horse neighed quietly.

"We're here for some animal therapy, I'm guessing," Jin sadly mumbled, still upset about his argument with Yoongi, which had transpired just a couple hours earlier. Mara stifled a snort with her hand, not wanting to laugh when Jin was too sad to laugh with her. She recalled the argument between the two, although she didn't hear a word of it; it was all muffled.

In an attempt to bring Yoongi out from his room, Jin had made a rather angering assumption. Yoongi hadn't taken to it kindly, giving him the cold shoulder until he eventually just told Jin off.

"I'm not saying that you're lazy-"

"You said I rarely go out and help, so basically the same thing," Yoongi muttered, blank stare on Jin, "And let's not forget, what was it? That I 'can't be bothered to spend time with anyone but myself'," Yoongi bitterly repeated to Jin, who rolled his eyes under closed lids. He let out a heavy sigh before looking at Yoongi again.

"We need the most help we can get if we want to keep this camp clean and organized," Jin calmly clarified.

"Then say that," Yoongi snapped, "Don't make me feel terrible and then insult me to try and get me to come out."

Jin raised his hands in defense, "Fine, I'm sorry, okay?"

"Now that everyone else is gone, now you want to come ask for help. I was practically invisible when everyone was here," Yoongi ranted, "So do you actually want me to help or is it that you can't find someone else-"

"Both!" Jin interjected, frowning, "What's so wrong with me saying both?!"

"Go ask Mara," Yoongi turned in his chair, shoulders stiff as bitterly fumbled with the radio. He didn't make any adjustments or fix anything, seemingly just trying to appear busy. Jin didn't fall for it, refusing to leave and instead sitting on Yoongi's bed. Yoongi glanced back, rolling his eyes.

"You don't talk to us often," Jin softly began, voice heavy with desperation, "We don't see you a lot, either. You come down to eat and help with one or two things before going back to your room. I understand that there's important things for you to do up there and you want to work on what you're good at. I get it. But I want you around. I don't care if that sounds cheesy as fuck. You can't just ignore us and...and seclude yourself because you're too scared of the outside world-" Jin strained out,

"That's not why!" Yoongi argued, "You know exactly what it is-"

"Enlighten me, then!" Jin cried out.

"I've been working on this radio for as long as I can remember. Any electrical problem comes up and I'm the first you guys call," Yoongi snapped, "But as soon as I fix it, there's silence from you all. Nobody talks to me or asks me to do anything else. It's like you all think I'm useless except for this shit," Yoongi angrily gestured to the radio before him, "I've made so many unnecessary adjustments to this damn thing just trying to pass time because nobody needs me," Yoongi's chest heaved, his jaw clenching and unclenching. Jin quietly listened, his eyebrows softly frowning. Yoongi's reclusion was far beyond him being an introvert.

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