Chapter Seventeen

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Everyone waited on bated breath as they waited to see who was approaching. Lottie, Tierney, Chelsea, and Hope all stood in front of the fire pit since they were the only singles ones. The first three stood close together holding hands as they waited. When the first guy came out of the Villa, Tierney and Lottie both flinched at the sound of Chelsea's squeal. Bobby grinned as he quickened his pace, holding his arms open to catch Chelsea as she threw herself towards him. He swung her around and around as Chelsea squealed in delight, raining kisses all over his face. When he final sat her back on the ground, he laced is fingers with hers and led her back over to the fire pit. Everyone smiled at the happy couple, except for Hope. All she did was stand there with her arms crossed over her chest, checking out her nails.

"We knew you'd stick," Lottie grinned over at the happy couple as they sat down beside Priya and Carl.

Bobby winked over at them, then turned to kiss Chelsea on the forehead. "I have everything I want right here." Chelsea grinned and lay her head on his shoulder. Bobby looked over at the two other couples and smiled. "Welcome lads. I'm happy to see these two with smiles on their pretty faces." Before either Carl or Graham could reply, they turned towards the Villa as new footsteps approached. This time, you could tell it was more than one person. Lucas came into view with a beautiful woman on his arm. He grinned when he saw Marisol sitting by the firepit in the arms of a rather big redhead. Marisol smiled and stood up to give Lucas a kiss on the cheek.

"I can't tell you how happy I am to see you sitting here, mate." Lucas held out his hand to Graham, who immediately took it with a smile. "Everyone, this is Keira," When Lucas looked down at her, everyone could see how enamored he was with her and vice versa. Lucas and Keira sat down beside Bobby and Chelsea. Lucas looked up at Tierney and gave her a big smile and a wink. Tierney smiled back at him and blew him a kiss. Everyone's attention turned back to the Villa as they again waited for someone to come through the doors. More footsteps approached and Gary appeared, and he was alone. Lottie squeezed Tierney's hand as she let out the breath she had been holding in. Gary grinned over at Lottie and held his arms out for her. She blushed but immediately melted into his embrace. He kissed her head softly.

"I missed you, Lotta." Lottie couldn't stop the blush that crept into her cheeks.

"I missed you too, Gaz," she whispered into his ear. Gary gave Tierney a quick kiss on her cheek before leading Lottie over to where the others sat. Gary looked down the line and grinned.

"Looks like everyone is pretty happy with their choices so far." The sound of more footsteps approaching turned everyone's attention to the Villa once more. Jakub rounded the corner carrying another girl in his arms. Tierney let out a sigh of relief at seeing him with someone else. The girl looked so tiny compared to Jakub, but when he sat her down on the ground she didn't look quite as small. You could tell she was athletic, probably into body building just like Jakub.

"'Sup everyone. This is Emily." Emily smiled and gave a little wave as she sat down on the bench beside Marisol and Graham. Jakub walked up to Tierney and placed his hand on her shoulder. "I'm sorry to break your heart like this, Tierney, but I had to be true to myself." He gave it a squeeze before turning to take his seat beside Emily. Tierney rolled her eyes and looked over at Lottie. She sneered down at Jakub, crossing her arms over her chest. She turned her green gaze to meet Tierney's and gave her friend a sympathetic smile. Tierney shrugged her shoulders and blew out a deep breath. Out the corner of her eye, she saw Hope snickering at the fact she was single and possibly in danger of being eliminated. Tierney simply straightened her shoulders and stood up proudly. She followed everyone's eyes back to the Villa and saw Henrik emerge holding the hand of a pretty red head. When he saw Priya sitting with Carl, a huge smile spread across his face. He squeezed Amelia's hand and raised it to his lips to kiss it softly. Tierney felt her heart melt a little at the sight of him seemingly so very happy.

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