Chapter Three

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When Tierney woke the next morning, Lottie was nowhere in sight. She sat up in bed and stretched, looking around the lawn. So far the only one she saw was Ibrahim already working out in the gym. She climbed out of bed and made her way upstairs to shower and get ready for the day. When she walked through the room, she was grateful none of the other Islanders appeared to still be sleeping. Tierney smiled to herself when she passed by Noah and Hope's bed and it was totally empty. She grabbed a quick shower, then made her way to the changing room. By the time she got there, everyone else was already dressed and downstairs. She threw her long hair into a wet braid, donned a sexy bikini, and then made her way downstairs as well.

Tierney found Marisol and Hannah in the kitchen cooking when she went to grab her morning coffee. She smiled as she poured the liquid into a mug.

"Good morning ladies."

"Good morning, Tierney," Hannah smiled as she mashed what looked like avocado with a bit of mayo, salt, and pepper.

"Avocado is always a good choice." Tierney looked over Marisol's shoulder to see what she was working on. "Ohh, a Spanish omelet?" She breathes in deep and groans, "It smells like heaven." Marisol grins.

"It will be."

Hannah chews her bottom lip nervously, "I just hope Gary likes it." Marisol puts her hand on her hip and looks over at Hannah in surprise.

"But mine if for Gary." Tierney was about to take a sip of her coffee and was glad she didn't. She would have definitely spit it out as she coughed in surprise.

"You're both making breakfast for Gary?" Tierney looked at Marisol in confusion, "Marisol you're coupled up with Ibrahim. Why would you want to make breakfast for Gary?"

Marisol rolls her eyes, "Ibrahim and I just aren't clicking. I'm attracted to Gary, so I thought I'd make him a bit of breakfast and have a chat."

Hannah frowns and looks completely deflated. Tierney's heart aches for her, "Come on Marisol. Give Hannah a chance. Gary is in a couple with her. If things still don't work out with them, then you can start chatting with Gary to see if anything develops."

"I told you guys from the beginning that I wasn't going to not go for someone just because of someone else. What if Gary is the one for me and I miss out on an opportunity just because I feel sorry for someone?" Tierney nods in understanding, but her eyes are pleading as she watches Marisol.

"Come on Marisol, just give Hannah a little time with Gary. One breakfast isn't going to ruin your chances with Gary if it's meant to be." Marisol sighs heavily and as she plates her breakfast.

"Fine! More for me anyway," she grumbles as she takes her food and heads towards the sun loungers. Hannah gives Tierney a grateful smile.

"Thanks for backing me up Tierney. I don't know if there's really any hope for anything to come of my relationship with Gary, but I still think I should try."

"I think it's good that you aren't just giving up, Han, but have you tried talking to any of the other guys? Maybe you'll connect to someone else?"

"You guys are just so beautiful and smart. I don't know how to compete with that." Tierney's heart squeezed.

"Don't talk like that Hannah. You're gorgeous and smart. You have so much going for you. You just have to believe in yourself, and show these guys how wonderful you are." Hannah gave her a small smile, then plated her toast.

"I better get these up to Gary before they get cold." She gave Tierney a hug, "Thank you Tierney. I appreciate everything you've said." Tierney returned her hug.

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