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Oh wowie.

I stared at the delivery boy who looked oddly familiar, I'm sure no humans are allowed in pangea... Wait is he human?

"ah sir?"

He broke the awkward silence between us, I flinched slightly due to his words.

"oh yes! Haha. I'm sorry for making you wait, its just that... Do you live here? On the island?"

"why yes sir! I'm a country human" he replied resurringly "my names San Marino"

Oh, I remember him, he was one of mama spains uh, children? Probably just a relitave or friend, but why is he a delivery boy? Isn't that against his own existence to be in such a low position? How sad.

"oh I remember you!" I chuckled " erhm. But why are you a delivery boy?" I continued.

"oh don't worry, its only temporary. I'm doing this out of boredom, really."

Oh-.. wait what does he mean by 'worry' I'm pretty sure I just asked him-
"it's written on your face sir Philippines, I fear you might have a hard time hiding your thoughts"

Thoughts?? Does that mean he-

" hhmhm I think you should calm down sir.. And.. I think I should go now, see you again sir, and stay safe!" he saluted and put down his package and I finally got to sign for the payment

 I think I should go now, see you again sir, and stay safe!" he saluted and put down his package and I finally got to sign for the payment

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then he marched to his motorbike and drove off, I only waved weakly as he dissappeared from my sight.

" I feel like I haven't been socialising for awhile"

To be honest yes, I haven't.
a series of events involving my alter ego had caused me to isolate myself.. After a year of physical therapy and anger management lessons I still haven't felt like it.

Now I'm just accessing my doctors via phone.i admit, I missed chatting with others but I have been prompting myself to never bother talking, I will go apeshit again and I'm sure it'll cause trouble.

I sighed in disappointment and stared at the small mirror near the door frame, "ang gwapo ko, pero ang pinkamagwapo din ay may problema, hays.. " (im so handsome... But even the most handsome have problems...)

"To be honest... I'm the problem here" . I chuckle mischievously at myself, probably trying to piss off my alter ego, if he's there.

Ahh I'm starting to miss going out, hanging out with countries near and far, all being brought together in this island, I miss home. I miss my people. I miss my friends. I miss everyone.

"oh Philippines, look at you. Have you even bathed yet?"

"who on ear-"

I looked behind me and saw the most annoying thing to ever have a voice, Manila. Im still pissed at him for being so dramatic about me and my isolation.

Pearl of the island 【a Countryhumans tale】Where stories live. Discover now