VII: Drive Pt Two

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THE DRIVE BACK TO CASSIE'S was the longest ride of your life. The young blonde had recanted the story of how you entered her life. You thought that she would just be talking about that night and the morning after, but she went way back.

Surprised would be an understatement for what you felt as you listened in on Cassie's view of how you both came to be. "I actually met you in high school." The blonde had said as she locked her gaze on her fidgeting fingers, paying particular attention to the silver band on her ring finger.

You raised your eyebrows at that. Racking your brain for the specific memory Cassie was talking about, but you came out short. Nothing you could recall.

"You, of course, didn't know me by then." She explained like she was able to read your mind. "But I did. God, did I know you." She said dreamily. Very reminiscent of a schoolgirl telling her best friend about the object of her affection.

"You were a speaker at our high school. I honestly don't remember a thing you said." She confessed, laughing, and her laugh had to be one of the purest sounds you've ever heard. You wanted to listen to it again. "But still, I couldn't take my eyes off you." Suddenly she got shy, and she cleared her throat before continuing.

"Imagine my surprise when I saw you really drunk at this party a few years later. You looked so happy when you asked me if you could buy me a drink, and I said yes. I was with Lexi, my sister, that night. That's why she said she remembered you." Finally, it seemed she was done. And you couldn't take another minute of her story since you felt awfully guilty for not remembering Cassie.

"I'm sorry. That I somehow forgot about you even though we met multiple times." Bringing your eyes to hers, you watched as the blonde shook her head with a carefree smile.

"Don't worry about it. It was a long time ago." She said dismissively, but you caught that split second when a frown graced her blemish-free face.

"No, really. I'm sorry." You took all the feelings that Cassie brought out in you and showed it on your face, your tone, trying to make the blonde next to you understand just how much she had affected you.

Still, she just smiled at you. Not holding your gaze for too long, too afraid of the intensity they held because she knew all those emotions you proudly displayed were all for her. She had started that fire raging inside of you.

Yet, you were still not satisfied. So you gently placed your right hand on the blonde's left thigh. Resting it just above her knee, ensuring it was at a respectable distance but still enough to show her your intentions. "Really, I am, Cassie."

Slowly, she followed your hand as it made its way to her thigh. When she brought her gaze back to you, she had a questioning look. The blonde shook her head as she laughed a humorless laugh. "I mean, I know how I sounded when I told you about all the times I've met you before, but..." Cassie then bit her lower lip. "What the hell are we doing?"

Suddenly feeling attacked, you withdrew your hand from her thigh. "I, ugh..." Speechless. Blank. Those were the only words that could describe you at that moment.

The blonde shifted in her seat as she released a shaky breath. "You have a wife. Jesus, you have a child! I'm literally your kid's babysitter. I mean, yeah, I get weak around you sometimes— but, no, this doesn't seem right."

"Cassie, I overstepped a line. I'm truly sorry—"

"Okay. Please just take me home."

How had this spiraled to this? Just moments ago, you were sure those gorgeous blue eyes were staring at you with so much admiration. In the very deepest swells of Cassie Howard, you knew that she still, for some reason, cares about you.

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