XIII: Gone

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As soon as you dared to take another step in the room, Maddy's mother was already on you. Her hand paused mid-air as she thought of what she was about to do. Thankfully, her husband got to her before she could do anything. That look on Sonia's face was enough to kill you if looks could kill.

"Where the hell have you been?" Sonia screamed loud enough that Maddy stirred a bit. Your eyes locked on the sleeping figure on the bed. White sheets enveloped Maddy as she lay there looking so weak, so small. It wasn't something you were used to, and it unnerved you to a fault. 

 "Sonia, maybe she has her reasons." Ted tried to usher Sonia off your radar as he placed a hand on his wife's shoulder. Sonia let a loud enough snicker as she let Ted walk her off. They left the room and left you with your wife if that woman was your wife. You remember Maddy as that spunky woman who gave you a run for your money. Even when she got sick, she never looked this frail. This woman lying there looked and felt nothing like Maddy.

You slowly walked up to her, fearing the worst as you near her bed. Maddy's eyes were shut, and you were surprised she hadn't woken up. She was never a deep sleeper. A lock of her hair had fallen right near her right eye; you gently whisked away the strand. Surprisingly enough, Maddy stirred again, and this time she woke up. 

Her soft brown eyes fluttered open, and it pained you to see them so dull and lifeless. You felt that nagging sinking feeling in your bones. Something terrible had happened between the hours you left the house, and it all had to do with Maddy being here and you being out with someone else.

Maddy gave me a small smile as she tried to sit up but failed to do so. "Hey, just lay down." You cooed at her, and she smiled back. This time with a bigger smile, one that even showed her teeth. She patted the space next to her as she tried to hurry to the other side of the bed. You were apprehensive, and anger and betrayal were still bubbling inside you. One night in the hospital couldn't change that, not even if it left Maddy looking this vulnerable. 

"Please," Maddy pleaded as she stared right into my eyes. Tears welled in hers as she tried to make you understand. You cursed yourself as you let her pull you onto the bed beside her. She laid her shoulder on your head as she silently cried. You immediately put your arm around her. "What happened?" you asked her, trying to coax the truth. Why won't anyone tell you a goddamn thing anymore? 

Maddy stiffed as she looked at you again. Her tears were falling at a rapid pace now. "You don't know, do you? They didn't tell you?" She asked as she shook her head. 'Unbelievable,' she muttered before she tried to get away from you. 

"Easy, Maddy. You're not okay." You tried to stop her, but she stared at me with a pointed look. "How would you know if I'm okay? You don't even fucking know what happened." She said as she looked away from me.

"I'm sorry." Were you all you could say to her? Nothing felt right to say. Every fiber in your body wanted to make her feel better, but the other part of you couldn't forgive her for what happened with the baby. The baby. "Is this about the baby?" You asked her while you tried to place a comforting hand on her back. 

She let out an audible whimper as she looked back at me. The tears that dried up her face now swelled new ones in its path. Your heart broke for Maddy. She may be a terrible wife and an even horrible partner, but she is a damn good mother. "I lost the baby, Y/N. That's why I'm here." 

Her shoulders dropped as sobs wracked her body. You held my arms out to her, and she snuggled in. Her face rested on the crook of your neck. You suddenly became aware of Cassie's scent on you, but Maddy said nothing about it as the minutes turned into hours. You two just laid there, holding each other, while Maddy cried. 

"I'm sorry, Maddy." You said to her when Maddy finally calmed down a bit. You could still feel her heart racing as she stayed snuggled to your side. 

The brunette then buried her face in the crook of your neck. Her words were almost lost to you as she barely audibly muttered, "Let's please not talk about it. I know you're relieved." She had said the last almost as a whisper. That struck a nerve with you, but you chose to ignore the jab. 

You both fell silent as Maddy still lay with you. You looked around the room seeing the balloons and the flowers that littered the room. How many people have already known about what happened to Maddy? You couldn't believe that more people knew about your wife than you. You were about to tell Maddy that you needed to talk desperately. Now wasn't the best time. You knew that, but prolonging the inevitable would be treacherous for you both. 

When you were about to say something again, the door swung open. Your mother stood in the doorway with a few cups of coffee. "Y/N, honey." 

You clenched your jaw as you spoke, "Mother." 


Honestly, y'all. I did not proofread shit, so if things are wrong or whatnot, sorry bout it. And this took so long cause, honestly, I did know how to go about the damn story. But ya, have fun

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