V: You're Married?

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THE SOUND OF THE DOORBELL, ring after ring, pulled you away from the deep grips of slumber. You groaned as you lay on your back, feeling the space beside you. You resisted the urge to roll your eyes as you stared at the digital clock on the right side of the bed. Seven am, Way too early for visitors. Can't possibly be the babysitter?

You tried to close your eyes for another minute, but the raging sound of the doorbell pulled you out again. Fine, I'm coming. Your body felt heavy as you hauled your body from the bed, first checking on Mia before you trudged downstairs towards the front door. 

Whoever this is, better have a good excuse because it was way too early for any type of bullshit- "Cassie! I mean Ms. Howard."

There weren't enough words to explain the cocktail of emotions swirling inside of you as you watched Cassie stand on the steps of your front door. A little part of you was amused and excited to see the blonde again, but the other parts were highly distressed. This is your life: your family, your safe haven. And Cassie, God bless her, maybe sweet, but she was the exact definition of trouble at that moment. 

You put your hands on the side of your face, massaging the bridge of your nose. This is just a dream. But the ragged breathing emanating from a very eager blonde in front of you proved that this wasn't your imagination running wild.

When you stared back at the young blonde, her eyes were closed, and her hands had curled up into tight fists. All you think about was how you desperately wanted to see the icy blue depths of her eyes. 

"I didn't know you were married... wow, okay." The blond laughed a humorless laugh. "I'm here for a little girl named Mia... and is she?" Cassie averted her eyes from you as she slightly swayed on the balls of her feet. No doubt the girl was also feeling a mixture of emotions, and judging by the way she refused to look at you told you that it wasn't positive feelings. 

"Cassie, I- I should apologize. I didn't, uhm, fuck." You stuttered out. You never stuttered. It was too earlier for this. You needed coffee. And maybe a shot of vodka too. 

"Mia is mine. Why don't you just, uh, come in? I'll explain things a bit further? If you'd like." You deflated. It was the thing you were the best at. It came in handy when talking with Maddy would go astray. 

"I got a call last night from Maddy. I mean Ms. Perez, mrs? Uhm, uh," The blonde shook her head as she tried to focus on her words. "to, you know, come early. She told me she had to go to work and that her partner was unavailable." You mustered up a big fake smile as you mentally cursed Maddy. Of course, she would say I'm unavailable. 

It took you a few minutes before you regarded Cassie as you tried to figure out how to handle the situation. The young blonde must have felt your hesitation as she abruptly said, "Maybe I should just go-" Suddenly, hearing those words brought all the confusion and drowsiness away from you. 

"You're already here. Just... stay." You said instantly, inwardly scolding yourself as you watched the blonde mentally debate with herself. "I don't bite." You tried again because, without warning, knowing you were letting Cassie go proved to be a task that was way too daunting to take up. 

A slight smile tugged at the corner of Cassie's lips. "I know you don't." Your face heated at the memory of the morning you first saw the blonde. The picturesque look of peace and innocence displayed on the younger woman's face as she slept was a memory you'd keep forever. Albeit, you did try to erase all memories of that morning, you somehow couldn't shake it off. 

As Cassie walked through the door, you shamelessly watched her backside as she walked. Her jeans weren't very tight, but they were enough to showcase the womanly curves of the blonde's body. The faded t-shirt she wore was simple but clung to her torso like it was masterfully crafted just for her.

Watching the blonde somehow always brought a reaction out of you. Just being in the same room as her lighted fires inside you that you couldn't quite extinguish.

Knowing and seeing the object of your desires stand sheepishly in the middle of your living room, in your territory, with a look of fear? It was all reminiscent of a hunter catching its prey, circling before pouncing. And you knew you had to divert your attention before you said anything that might add more fuel to the already burning fire. 

"Mommy?" A small voice sounded out from behind you. You watched as a pajama-clad Mia drowsily walked toward you with her favorite stuffed toy under her arm. A deep breath of relief released itself from your lips. Thank God for the interruption. 

A smile graced your lips as you gently took Mia in your arms and twirled her around, tickling her a bit as you let her down. Her little giggles were music to your ears, and her little smile was always such a blessing to see. 

When Mia saw a new person standing in the middle of her house, she instantly hid behind you. She'd always been a little shy, just like you. Maddy hated it when Mia refused to open up as fast as she. 

"This is Cassie." You said softly as you kneeled next to Mia, trying to ease her reluctance. "She's nice, bug. Did you know that Cassie also likes skating?" At the mention of skating, Mia's ears perked up, and she finally looked at you. 

Mia suddenly pushed you back a bit as she ran towards Cassie. The blonde immediately kneeled beside Mia and shared her enthusiasm about ice skating. When you checked the time on the clock on the room's right wall, you realized it was almost time for Mia to be getting ready for her day. 

"Bug, I think it's time to brush your teeth and wash your face." Mia looked up at you with puppy dog eyes. You had to admit it was always a welcome distraction, but you never did give in to it. You gently shook your head as you ruffled Mia's hair.

Mia reluctantly stood, and she gazed at Cassie adoringly before she disappeared upstairs. Guess she's not the only Y/LN who appears to be smitten with a blue-eyed blonde.

"Does she need help? With the bathroom, could she slip or something?" Cassie spoke with concern, and you were glad to know she was already acting the way you wanted her to. You raised your hand to dismiss her concern.

"She'll be fine. Maddy always hated mornings, so she trained Mia to do all her morning needs independently."

"That sounds... wrong," Cassie said with the last part being said quietly; you almost missed it. You hummed in response, and the blonde's eyes widened.

"I didn't mean to imply that Maddy's way was-" You raised your hand to dismiss the younger woman. "I agree. No three-year-old should be left to her own devices because her mother is too hungover to attend to her."

"Well, I should be getting ready too. Seeing as you came pretty early, I still have time to email the dean and say I am available today. By the way, aren't you my student? Should you be on your way to class as well?"

Cassie visibly deflated as she played with her fingertips. "I requested that my schedule be changed... I can't stay in your class. Especially knowing you have Maddy and Mia. I'd go crazy. I don't even know if I want to take this gig."

"How much is Maddy offering? I'll, uh, double it. Mia doesn't open up to people so quickly, and you helped her change that." You smiled warmly as you recounted how fast Mia ran to Cassie just moments ago.

The younger woman cleared her throat as she stared at you with a look of curiosity. She suddenly seemed a tad more confident as she asked, "How did you know I used to skate?"

You felt the wind get knocked out from under you. Exposing yourself to your daughter's babysitter was not a pleasant experience. "I don't want to seem like a creep, but I, uh, checked out your Instagram. I was just... curious."

The blonde gave you a teasing smile as she snickered. "Yeah, I know. I got the notif the other day. You were pretty fast; too bad I'm faster."

You didn't know if it was the lack of caffeine or the way the light shone through the blinds that made Cassie look incredibly irresistible. You had to force yourself out of your daze. "Sorry again. I'll get going?" You said in a question form. What the fuck is going on with you?

If the younger woman realized your indifference she didn't let it show. She simply gave you a toothy smile as you let her bag down on the couch. Jesus, how am I supposed to be able to control myself.

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