✨Episode 1✨

360 5 3

Narrates Mexico

The UN meetings, as always, are boring, but what can I do? I am a power, to be more precise the 1st, I lost most of my cultures thanks to Spain, I cannot say that he was a good father, but neither it was so bad.


Onu was silent and fixed his gaze to where the shout was coming from, like everyone else, when I saw him I just frowned, I already knew that country.

Onu:- Mr. Usa-he said with a slightly annoyed tone- it's already the 5th time he's interrupted the meeting and it's only Tuesday (XD OKNO)


Onu:- Mr. Usa-he said with a slightly annoyed tone- have you finished?

Usa:- I'm sorry-he said almost without hiding his laugh, I just arched an eyebrow.

Onu:- Well, as I was saying, for everyone to get along, each country will stay in the house with which it has problems.

-I raised my hand and he let me speak- How will that benefit us as powers?-Then the sound of a chair was heard from Asia.

???:- Mexico is right, how does it benefit us?

Onu:- What do you mean?, I'm clear- he said with a little notorious anger- I do it so that there is not a 3rd World War- he looked at the German.

Germany:- Me what?-said angry and indignant.

Onu:- Anyway, they have to get along, they can take a break- a shout was heard and the sound of the doors and he sighed - After the break I will say which countries will stay, there are no exceptions -he finished speaking and then picked up his things and go.

Minutes later he was sitting in my place.

- Ohh, it's you Chile- I said happily- what do you want

Chile:- The boys and I will do a peda, pull or crack?-Thanks for the invitation, Chile, but I have to solve some "issues", it will be the next one.

Chile:- Being the first power is not easy right?

- I sighed- No, it's not, well I have to look for Onu, to find out what he's up to- I said goodbye to Chile and went to the Onu office.

Narrate the narrator

Was looking for the peace organization everywhere, asking about him to the other countries or employees of the building, until he saw him enter his office with ¿FBI!?

México :-*That was the FBI!?*, and they were holding hands!?, I'll just take a look*-he walks slowly and without making a sound and then puts his ear to the door.

*Inside the office*

???:- O-un, I don't think it's a good idea- said the bulletproof- you also know that they don't get along, those who "already kicked the bucket", I don't think they'll get along again.

Onu:- That's what I'm here for, if they don't get along I'll have to make them disappear-he said while filling out some papers that were missing- also I don't want there to be another FBI war-he finished saying to lay his eyes on the person in front his to then get up from his seat and walk towards him- I have been very stressed with my work and I have not been able to relax.

FBI:- W-wait! -backs up- What do you mean?, have you rested well?, Uhg-hits the door from where they entered- O-un n-we can't do is-was felled by a kiss from the pacifist a lustful kiss which lasted minutes.

Onu:- I don't care about that,- he kisses him again but this time it's on the neck, the minor only lets out small moans causing the pacifist to get excited and bites him, drawing a little blood.

FBI:- Ah! That hurt- the pacifist just looks at him as he licks the blood of the opponent- you look like an angel, but you're a pervert- he said excitedly.

Onu:- I'm your pervert- he said so that the minor could see his blush even more, I know you want more~

*outside the office*

The Mexican was covering his mouth with his hands since with the slightest noise, he wouldn't get out of it, so he carefully got up and went to the nearest bathroom.Mexico:- *What the fuck* did I just hear?, UN and FBI leaving!?, I already assumed this*He got to the bathroom finding the only country he didn't want to see-You third-worlder, what are you doing here?- The other didn't even turn around, he continued to sit on the floor- hey, I'm talking to you- he walks towards this- hey, I'm talking to you- the only thing he received was a The little boy's blow used so hard that he fell to the floor.Mexico: - What the hell! - His gaze is focused on the little American- to top it off you hit me, but what do you have in your head, little bastard *!? - He said with great anger.Usa: -gets up- Sorry, I thought you were the communist- stretches out his hand- let me help you *smile*- the Mexican, seeing the country smile, blushed but not very noticeable for the little gringo, lost in his thoughts- ok, if you don't want my help, you could tell me- he said sadly.Mexico:- P-excuse me, I hadn't heard you- grab the little boy's hand to later be able to get up- thank you- that surprised the Mexican more than the American, since "thank you" is rare for Mexicans to say.Usa:- You're very beautiful- she said with a slight blush.Mexico:- Excuse me, what did you say?- He didn't know English and his translator broke down recently.Usa:- Ah?- he reacted- N-nothing!, I... I was just leaving!!- He goes to the door and before leaving he said- Goodbye Mexico- he left without letting the Mexican say goodbye.Mexico:- *What is this that I feel in my chest?, will I have something?, I will go with WHO*-he leaves the bathroom to go to the infirmary.CHAN CHAN CHAN!!!QIUBI?, ME GOOD!!I KNOW IT'S A SHORT CHAPTER BUT I'M GOING OUT OF INSPIRATION AND THAT'S HOW IT ENDSI WILL UPLOAD THE NEXT CHAPTER AS SOON AS I CAN, I HOPE AND YOU LIKE IT BYE!!!970 WORDS.

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