✨Episode 5✨

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Narro Sho Footsteps were heard going down the stairs, the alarmed Mexican left the frame in the box, and pretended to be looking at his cell phone, he saw out of the corner of his eye the American who was looking for something in one of the upstairs drawers, he was taking little jumps looking for something, The Mexican was thinking how cute he looks, he approaches scaring the minor.

Usa:- Oh shit, you scared me Mex.

Mexico:- E-excuse me- you realize what you were going to ask- Ah, Usa?

Usa:- yes?

Mexico:- What are you looking for?

Usa:- Ah, it's just that I can't reach my coffee cup- she said pointing to the cup that was in the box/shelf/whatever- it's that I need the cup.

Mexico:-lowers the cup under the minor's gaze- here you go- hands it over- how can I help you?

The American was trapped in his thoughts, a few words came out- I think i love you...

Mexico:- Excuse me?- The Mexican was confused, he only knew a little English and his translator couldn't find it since he was also late- *I only understood a little*

Usa:- Ah!- she blushed a lot, she covered her mouth- S-sorry sorry sorry sorry, it came out, I didn't mean that!!- you realize what the Mexican said-wait what?

Mexico:- I didn't understand what you told me, so what you said is unknown to me- he said and then put his hand on his neck- well then, how can I help you?

Usa:- W-well, you can take the boxes that are on the sofa.

Mexico:- Okay- he goes to the sofa to load one of the boxes to take it to his car- how heavy is it?- he goes to the back of his car.

Mexico:- Okay- he goes to the sofa to load one of the boxes to take it to his car- how heavy is it?- he goes to the back of his car

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The Mexican was carrying the boxes and one or another suitcase for a long time since the American asked him to take some suitcases.

Mexico:- So many things?- his back hurt, he went straight to the house, he saw the American in the center of the room-what are you doing?

Usa:-...nothing, just the same nothing- he turns to the Mexican- we can go now Mex.

Mexico:- Okay.Both countrys left in the van to drive to the dwelling/house/mansion of the Mexican, the silence was a bit awkward for both of them.

Usa:- Aaaaaaaaaaand, are we there yet?

Mexico:- Not yetThey stayed like that for a couple of hours, the Mexican was starting to lose his temper, the American was bored, and had nothing to do, since he got bored asking the Mexican.

Usa:- How is your house?

Mexico:- How?

Usa:- Yes-he said without looking away from the opposite.

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