✨Episode 7✨

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The Russians and Germans could not believe their eyes.

It was Germany that was kissing the Chilean on the sofa, these when noticing the looks the younger German gets angry when he sees his father so he gets up and takes his beloved to the stairs above, all this in the attentive gaze of the Russians and Germans, to the bad luck of the newcomer.

-Hey guys want some biscuits- he was silent when he saw those who had tortured him before- tas- there was a deep silence that was interrupted- Ahhhhhh!!!! run for your lives !!!!- he ran at full power dropping what he had in his hands.

I.J: It seems that your son hates you-I whisper towards the shorter one.

Nazi: Don't even remind me, Empire- he said seriously but inside he was devastated by the look of hatred that his son has for him.

The shorter one entered the house to explore, meanwhile, the couple that left were in one of the rooms, the German was sitting on the edge of the bed with his back to the door, and the Chilean only saw him at the other end.

Narra Chile

I've never seen Ale so, so angry, I was surprised that his predecessors or as Spain calls him, well I'm also surprised how the others were "alive" I'm worried that Ale is capable of doing a stupid thing, I'll have to ask him anyway. .

I approach Ale carefully to sit next to her, she looks me in the eyes with those eyes that seem to be a combination of angry, scared and sad.

🇨🇱: What did you have? (sorry if it's not correct, they don't work for me, they work for gg-san)

🇩🇪: It's....nothing...

🇨🇱: I hear you CSM- she gets up from the bed to look me in the eye- love... what did you have?

🇩🇪: It's just that *sigh* when I saw it, I panicked, it made me angry.

🇨🇱: Wasn't it because of what you told me?

🇩🇪: Yes..., But I didn't tell you everything...

🇩🇪: Before I met you for a long time I panicked, people around me panicked, the only person who made me feel good was Russia- he turned to look at me- then I met you, and little by little that feeling went away.....-he paused for a long time- but...

🇨🇱: But-?

🇩🇪: The last meeting when I went to leave the documents with Onu, I was shocked, I could tell him a lot of things, but I didn't say anything, I could have hit him, but I didn't, at that moment I just felt panic? , no... it wasn't that, what I had was FEAR, everyone thought I was going to do like my Father, but I'm different, I had to be mature when I was just a CHILD!! Damn*!! I was just a fucking kid!! I built what my father destroyed- I knew everything he told me, because of Mexico, but that Ale had to put up with it, it broke my heart.

I hugged him, he just left, he was crying softly but he was very hurt, I just patted him on the back.

✨ We advance 1/2 hour ✨

Chale wey, I knew that Germany hated his father for what he did, but I didn't have to get almost all of my shirt wet with tears and snot? I don't want to know what it is anymore, but how good the bus fell asleep... he looks cute sleeping, I put him in bed so he sleeps well, I go to the bathroom to take a shower, which I really needed... I took off my clothes but before going in I put on a good song (just put the that you like the most) then I go in and then open the shower and sing at the top of my lungs.

Tells the one that tells the story

The Chilean spent almost a quarter of an hour in the bathroom, when he finished he closed the shower and then dried himself with the towel that was nearby, a little so as not to leave water in the room, he puts on some boxers that he had worn before, he leaves the bathroom to later see her boyfriend pointing a P38 at the one he just entered.

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