✨...Something from the past...✨

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This is a wea that I wanted to do... but I'll do it anyway... (who can translate all or some words... I'll give you a recommendation!!)

It was wartime... the evastica was in his office, trying to finish his work which was almost impossible because of the war that had started....

T.R: Shit!!, I'm going to lose ground at this rate- I was checking some papers in his office- ahg!! damn soviet!!

That's right...the evastica was losing ground since the Russian frosts prevented the Germans from advancing...but that's not the problem...the problem is that the Soviet left him a small gift just to leave him a little dying man...which didn't make it, well...he took out one of his eyes, that's enough, isn't it?

-whisper- Dad is working hard....

- But...

- He will get angry if we bother him...

TR: What do you want?

Both voices freaked out, coming out of hiding looking at the older German with fear...

T.R: What do you want? I don't have much time...- he didn't turn to look at them, he was very busy with the documents he had on his desk and hands...- and make it quick!

- W-well...- he turns to his brother...

- We wanted to tell you yes... yes... yes...- he lowered his gaze sadly.

- If you can clothe us !!- his younger brother released without further ado...

T.R: I can't, I'm busy

- WE KNOW!! - shouted the eldest- you're always busy!! You don't have time for us! - He turned to leave that office.

- I'm sorry toilet...- he leaves the office almost running and closes the door.

The older German just looked where the younger ones came out, giving a heavy sigh which he was frustrated with.

T.R: I think... I think I should go with them...- he left the papers on his desk- Ahg! This is...- he let out another moan when he couldn't know what was happening- I must apologize to them...

He said at the end of having been screaming and hitting a wall which was a bit worn out by the same thing, he left his office, which was near the kitchen, thinking that the little Germans were there, getting to know them... eating the cookies that the Nazi prepared...

T.R: Ale?...-silence- Alam?- nobody answered- they must be in their room...

He went up the stairs in search of the little ones as he said before...they were in his room, he approached but stopped when he heard the voices of the minor Germans.

✨Inside the room ✨

- I can't believe toilet doesn't want to spend time with us!!- the older one complained.

- Ale!, Don't say that!, You know that toilet is-

- I know Alam!! - he shouted- I know that the toilet is in charge of the nation, but.....- silence- I miss the days we used to laugh together...- he hugged his little legs.

Alam: Ale...- I understood that, he also wants those days...- but he still has a little time for us...- tries to encourage.

Ale: He only does it to train us!!- he shouted euphorically- I'm tired of training!!- he hid his face in his legs.


Outside...Reich felt bad..., his children were right, he didn't give them time and if he did, it was only to train them, but he did it for their own good, decided he entered the room, being observed by the minors.

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