🌩Episode 17🌩

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pov ???

I was waking up from a nightmare, which was something I want to forget.

???- I raise my head but I hit something- What the hell?- You see it's almost dark- I need to get out of here.

I'm looking for a way to get out, but everything is sealed, I need a way to get out of here as soon as possible, or else I'll run out of air....

*bell sound*

That sound.........is that a bell?, that was my idea from 1 year ago....they finally take it into account...I have to ring the bell...

pov narrator

The bell rang very often, he didn't know how long he had been doing it, but at one point he caught the attention of someone who was nearby.

???- *I don't have much time left...I-I think I'm going to...*

At that moment the door opens, letting in the sunlight, making the young man try to sit down, which is impossible for him to run out of oxygen for a long time, he can only see his savior, his flag, in a blur, he only reached see white and yellow.

End of flash back

Confe- she stopped talking when she remembered her past- That was w-what...

Usa- What was there? - Nervous.

Can- Tell us!!💢💢

Confe- tears come out and he gets more nervous- that was the beginning of my suffering...- he cries more.

Usa-Brother...-covers his mouth in astonishment.

Can- Who took you out of there?

Confe-I-I don't know how it is that I was in the territory of that pair of idiots....it can't be that they didn't realize it...-trembling.

Usa- Confederate......brother...

Can- who is it!?

Confe- Scared, he looks at them with tears and whispers- it was the Russian Empire....- in shock he averts his gaze.

Use- With the Tsarist!?, H-how is that possible!? - astonished.

Can-How come we didn't notice it?- He turns and puts his hands on his head.

Confe- He left me in the depths of the mansion...or kept me gagged in his room....- He tries to wipe away the tears, failing in the attempt.

Can- And how did he not know about you? That you were our brother?

Confe- Well... when I "died" my flag was left white without any symbol, without a master, without territory...

Usa- So... the scars...- he points to them.

Confe- All this?- he raises an eyebrow and his arms- he made them for me...lol it's funny, don't you think? hide his face.

Usa- Wait!, so Urss is your son? - in shock.

Confe- Of course it's my son- he looks away.

Can- So... that does it....

Usa- Our nephew...?-looks at the Canadian.

Confe- Nobody knew... that Tsarist of mrd...- angry.

Can- Don't worry about him, hehe.

Conf- Now that I remember....- raises his head- in the cold war- look at the American- you killed MY SON!- throws himself towards him to give him some good blows.

Use- Wait!- he falls and tries to defend himself- N-it wasn't my fault!, he just disappeared!

Can- Bro...-tries to help the American- he's not there- they elbow him.

Conf- Shut up Canada- turn to the American- you just saw him disappear and you didn't do anything?

Usa- It's not that I didn't want to! - He tries to get out.

Confe- You are a-!

Can-grabs him from behind- He's still alive, he's still alive!

Confe- C-how?- Stop struggling and turn to the Canadian- Tell me how!?

Usa- *at least he didn't hurt the bb*- made a small smile that was barely visible.

Can- I-I don't know...but I do know where they are- the last thing he said was a little off.

Confi- Where?

Can- W-well...it's too far and besides you have to recover!

Confess- he gets up and walks towards the Canadian- there's no need for that- and he falls a couple of steps away from him and cursed under his breath.

Usa- Are you okay? - concerned.

Confe-N-no...my hip still hurts-he rubs himself.

Can- I'll help you- pulls him by the wrists.

Confe- N-no!, Let go of me! Ahhhhgggg! - He screamed in pain and tried to get away but he hurt himself even more.

Can- But what's up!?

Use-Canada your hand!- He points.

Can-look at his hand, noting that it was covered in blood as well as the opponent's wrists- You're bleeding!

Confe-N-it's nothing!- tries to hide the wound.

Usa- It's like it's nothing? If you're bleeding!- He goes to the door- I'll go get Oms, stay here!- He opens the door, goes out and closes the door behind him.

Confe- Is it always like that?- with a half smile and complains under his breath.

Can- approaching- Yes....almost always, hehe.

The Canadian approaches to examine the reddish-skinned doll, meanwhile let's see what happens with Usa.

Usa- I want a fucking explanation of how they got to this point?- He crosses his arms.

Mex- Ehhhh.....


I know you missed me...but I'll leave my stories paused until further notice...don't freak out for my little people...if I stop uploading...it's the uni's fault, isn't it?

Well bye, bye!



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