🌩Episode 20🌩

22 0 0

** = thought

-- = actions narrated by the pov


Can: I found a jar full of Cookies! - Takes out the full jar.

Use: Gimme, gimme! - the bicolor puts the jar in the center - They are very delicious!

Confe: How did you get them? - bites the cookie - it can't be....

Can: I stole them from Reich...-bites the cookie.

Both brothers got stuck because of what the bicolor said.

Confe: How did you steal it!?

Can: Well, I was in the kitchen and I just snuck out and took them - he eats another one.

That's when the door bursts open with a very angry Reich.

T.R: Who the fuck took my cookies?

Usa/Confe: It was Canada!

Can: gasp in Canadian- and I thought they were my brothers...

Confe: Sorry bro, but I prefer to live than to be killed...

TR: Wait!? -looks at him carefully- you are the mother of Urss?

Confe: That's correct...why...?

*We continue...*

T.R: It's nothing... -the door closes behind him, leaving the three dismayed-

Confe: What was that...?

Can: I think he wants your approval... -continues eating cookies-

Usa: Good! -he takes out a box that says one, making Canada excited.

Confe: Canada...I haven't seen you so excited since we went to our mother's pond... -Canada and Usa looked at each other with sad faces and then looked at Confederado-.

Can: We haven't been to the pond since... -he remains silent and then is interrupted by Usa-

Usa: Since the accident happened...but let's leave this topic and play UNO!! -Usa starts shuffling and then starts dealing the cards.

Confe: How is this played? -they start playing and then Confederado understands a little- I think I understand this...

Pov Narrator

*A few more plays passed and Confederado had already beaten USA 6 times and Canada 4 times in a total of 20 games*

Usa: How come you've won more times than the two of us combined in such a short time!? -he lies down on the ground while throwing his cards to the sky, revealing his bad play.

Confe: It's just strategy...I've always been good at that...little brother... -Confederate stands up and then looks at Usa and helps him up.

Usa: I remember it well...well I think we should sleep...Onu told me to go to sleep... -he looks at his cell phone while answering Onu and turning off his cell phone again-

Can: Good! At least we will have more time as a family!! -he gets up and then hugs his brothers with emotion-

Confe: Yes...as a family... -he looked at his brothers nervously while smiling-

*The brothers began to laugh and then went to their respective beds to take shelter and begin to fall into the arms of Morpheus*

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2023 ⏰

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