🌩Episode 18🌩

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Confe-N-it's nothing!- tries to hide the wound.

Usa- It's like it's nothing? If you're bleeding!- He goes to the door- I'll go get Oms, stay here!- He opens the door, goes out and closes the door behind him.

Confe- Is it always like that?- with a half smile and complains under his breath.

Can- approaching- Yes....almost always, hehe.

The Canadian approaches to examine the reddish-skinned doll, meanwhile let's see what happens with Usa.

Usa- I want a fucking explanation of how they got to this point?- He crosses his arms.

Mex- Ehhhh.....

We continue...

Usa: So?

*flash back*

When the Mexican left, he went straight to the armchair to sit down in the mini-living room and think about what had happened.

Mex: *How is it possible....could it be that he!?*- they touch his shoulder scaring him in the process- For the Virgencita de Guadalupe!! It's your Cia- trying to be calm.

Cia: Sorry for scaring you Mr. Mexico- nervous.

Mex: Don't worry...- he examines it.

Cia: Do I have something on my face? - He points.

Mex: N-it's nothing- he turns nervous.

Oms: I already brought the coffee!!- enters with a tray.

Mex: Thank you!- grabs the cup and takes a sip- Hey Oms...

Oms: leave the tray- Yes Mexico?

Mex: Am... you two are...- he moves his hands as a sign that the couple understands.

Cia: What if we are couples?

Oms: Is that it? - laughs low- Yes, Mexico, if we are a couple..

Mex: So... who is Omci?

Both organizations were nervous to hear that.

Oms: W-what are you talking about? - he gets nervous.

???: Dad, I'm here! - The door is heard opening and closing.

Cia: *Shit*- hits his hand against his face.

Mex: So...

The young newcomer arrives to where the older ones are, being a little surprised by the Mexican.

???: Umm...what's going on here, and who is he?

Oms: Oh honey!, you a-arrived early...

???: Amm... yes? - he left his backpack to one side of the chair where he sits - I told you that Mr. Russia was going to look for me - he took a cookie - by the way he looked very angry and -

*opens door aggressively scaring almost everyone away*

???: I had seen the car outside...

Mex: Oh shit...

Rus: Мексика!!-enters the room furious.

Cia: Hey!, don't you know how much that door cost? - Angry he got up.

Oms: We actually needed another door.

Cia: he turns around- Really?- he turns towards his son- Omci?

Omci: without encouragement- Yes father, we needed it...

Cia: sad- Ok...

Rus: Мексика, what are you doing here?

Mex: -bitter- What do you think?, I'm accompanying my Boyfriend...-considers- *Oh shit...*

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