🌩Episode 16🌩

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Mex: Can you tell me what is happening here!?

Usa: Well honey....he is a Conferred...

Mex: But what!?

Confe: That's what I would say...

Mex: But they don't look alike at all!!

Confe: That's what they told me...

Usa: Today will be a long day....


He sighs seeing how the young couple argued, he smiles almost unconsciously when remembering the past, just at that moment the door opens alerting those present and observing who entered.

Oms: he enters agitated- I'm sorry, I couldn't stop him-

Usa: Don't worry- look at the organization- leave us alone, please...

Mex: I'll leave you too- she walks towards the door- I'll wait for you with Oms, well... see you later- she closes the door.

The room enters in silence by the glances of both elders, a half smile turned on his lips and the bicolor? his face said many things, happiness, sadness and anger.

USA: Canada? - he whispered.

Can: ....- He didn't say anything, he just approached the oldest, a few tears were seen on his cheeks.

Confe: Acadia, how are you-?- He was interrupted thanks to the slap that the bicolor gave him.

Can: How is it possible that you're alive!? - He lowered his arm- Do you know how much we suffered? How much did I suffer? - His voice cracked with each word.

USA: Canada! - I reproached him instead.

Can: NO USA!!- looks at him- don't you see what we have suffered after-!?

Usa: Don't even mention it!!

Can: What?, from the funeral!?, there please, I don't think he knows how we spent it!!

Confe: You're right Acadia...- they turn to see him- I don't know what you guys went through and I'm sorry for not being with you.... b-but...

Dog: But!?

Confe: Well it's a bit confusing even for me... but was he alive?

Usa: H-how?, What?, Were you v-alive?

Can: Yes, how? - Arms crossed.

Confe: Ok, just let me do something first- he takes off his shirt revealing many scars all over his back- it was starting to hurt.....this shirt is very simple- he throws it to the side of the bed.

Can: Are they... scars...? - Looks at him well- how come...

Usa: Wait!- scares the bicolor- I'm sorry...- I know this shield....

Confe: You're right little brother...-averts his gaze.

Can- Tell us more

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Can- Tell us more....

Confe- Okay...

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