Fighting Centurions

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Reyna handed Killian his watch. "Terminus was quite frightened by that ring of yours," she said. "I look forward to finding out why. Good luck, Mr. Vixon."

Killian nodded. "You'll find out soon, Praetor. And I look forward to challenging you."

Reyna raised a brow. "Arrogant, are we? That won't get you far here."

"Not arrogance. Confidence." He turned and strode into the arena, leaving Reyna staring in disbelief behind him.

The crowd thundered as he walked into view. A number of legionnaires were yelling at him to put on armor but he ignored them and waited for the event to begin.

After a few more minutes, Reyna silenced the crowd by raising her hand, "Killian Vixon of unknown parentage seeks to join the legion today. He needs a cohort to call family. Without letters of recommendation, he seeks to prove his worth in combat. He will fight each centurion until he is defeated. We shall start with the Fifth Cohort. Centurion Dakota, step forward."

An average sized kid came out of the other side of the arena dressed in full roman armor with a spear in hand. His lips were stained red, which Killian thought was odd.

"Where's your armor?" he asked.

"You need armor?" Killian retorted.

"Well, yeah," Dakota said like it was obvious. "We're fighting for real here."

"And here I was, thinking that was made of foam." Killian pointed at the spear. "Too bad."

"Where's your weapon?"

Killian raised his arm. "Right here?"

"A watch?" Dakota laughed. "Seriously?"

Killian simply stared as he flicked a switch. A double edged white knight's sword sprang to life in his hand. The hilt was black, with an even blacker pearl embedded within it.

Killian smirked. "Seriously."

Reyna, who was watching Killian curiously, shouted, "Begin!"

Dakota wasted no time in charging at Killian. He thrust his spear at Killian's midsection but Killian batted aside the strike with his bare hand. He swung his sword at Dakota, making him lean back, but in the same moment Killian grabbed the spear and pulled it toward him. Dakota was yanked forward and headbutted viciously. Many legionaries winced as Dakota crumpled to the ground.

Killian stepped back as he turned to Reyna, who was looking at him in shock. She recomposed herself. "Killian Vixon wins. Please bring Centurion Dakota to the infirmary. Next up is Centurion Gwen, 1st Centurion of the Fifth Cohort."

A few Apollo legionnaires removed Dakota from the arena as a girl with brown hair and green eyes walked into the arena, looking at Killian nervously.

"You seem like someone I know," Killian said, studying her. "Are you by chance a daughter of...what is it? Ceres?"

Gwen nodded. "Yes, why?"

Killian smiled fondly. "I have a friend who's also a daughter of Ceres. Her eyes are brown, but you have a similar face shape. More...plump, I guess you could say. It's reminiscent of your mother."

Gwen's eyes widened. "You've met my mother?"

Killian grimaced as his head throbbed, trying to remember. "I think so? Can't remember when, though."

Gwen's jaw dropped but before she could reply, Reyna shouted at them to begin.

Unlike Dakota, Gwen wielded a sword and did not attack Killian blindly. She swiped at Killian's legs but he blocked easily and sent a half-hearted strike at Gwen who blocked as well. No one in the stands noticed he wasn't going full-speed but after a minute Gwen locked his blade with hers as they stood only inches apart.

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