The Praetor

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Reyna paled a bit at Killian's invitation. After the show he put on, she wasn't looking forward to fighting him. But she could not refuse his challenge. She was the Praetor, it would look bad if she did.

Reluctantly, Reyna made her way down from the stands, her armor gleaming and looking every bit the part of a commander. Killian waited, sword in hand.

When she was ten feet away, Killian grinned.

"Do not worry, Praetor," he said. "I won't use that trick on you. It's for enemies, not allies."

He was amused by the relief on her face, soon replaced by determination. "I hope you are ready, Vixon. I have yet to be beaten since becoming praetor."

She unsheathed her gladius and nodded her head at Killian to begin. The crowd was silent as they watched with bated breath as the new legionnaire and raetor squared off in the center of the arena.

Both Reyna and Killian charged each other at the same time, their blades meeting as sparks flew again and again as their swords clashed. Killian swiped at her legs, but Reyna jumped over his blade. She brought hers down but Killian spun out of the way at the last second. Reyna attacked again but couldn't get inside his guard.

Killian waited as Reyna's frustration was growing as she failed to get through his defenses. Just when he was about to make his move, Reyna took a step back as she calmed herself. Killian gave her an impressed look before he attacked, wielding his blade with speed and power that could only be achieved with years of training by the greatest heroes to ever live.

Reyna stayed on the defensive but had trouble keeping up with his speed. Killian then feinted an attack to her left side and spun to her right, slashing a shallow gash across her leg. Reyna jumped back before Killian could cut any deeper, looking at him with a bit of surprise, but also wariness. She looked around to see the entire legion with wide eyes at their praetor being beaten by Killian. Killian noticed their looks, too, along with the one of worry on Reyna's face.

He charged at her again, slashing at her legs and forcing her to jump back. He closed the distance, bringing his sword down in a long arc. She brought up hers and blocked the attack, though the strength behind it made her knees buckle.

With their swords locked, Killian whispered, "It wouldn't look good if you lost, would it?"

Reyna scowled. "I have not lost yet," she growled, "but no. It would most likely ruin my reputation as a leader."

Killian nodded knowingly. He jumped back and twirled his sword in his hand, seeming arrogant. Reyna took advantage of his pause and lunged at him, switching to offense. She slashed relentlessly at him, but every attack was parried or blocked. Her frustration eventually took over and she began to attack with more wild, unpredictable strikes. Killian ducked under one strike, raising his sword to where Reyna was aiming. Her sword hit his blade and it went flying from his hand.

Reyna could barely contain her shock. She quickly tried to pin him, but he knocked her blade off course with the back of his hand. He got under her arm and sent a quick strike to her wrist. Her hand spasmed, causing her sword to fall from her hand.

Instead of picking it up, Killian kicked it to the side. He sent a punch at Reyna's neck, but the daughter of Bellona dodged to the left. She brought out a dagger as Killian stumbled past her and placed it at his neck as he turned around.

Killian smiled at her. "It looks like you remain undefeated, Praetor."

Reyna's eyes narrowed as she nodded. She wanted to question him, but before she could the crowd erupted into applause for both of them.

She sheathed her dagger as Killian picked up their weapons. He returned his sword to its watch form before offering Reyna hers, hilt first. "A fair battle, Praetor Reyna. I can see why your soldiers respect you so."

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