The Calvary Arrives

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Thunder shook the arena. Tourists outside shrieked and screamed in alarm.

"What is thi-" Ephialtes started to say before he was blasted back by three consecutive bolts of lightning.

"Brother!" Otis yelled. He tried to run to Ephialtes's aid, but shadows surrounded him. A tendril of darkness shot from the shadows and punched Otis directly in the face, knocking him back.

Killian looked up as a storm formed above the coliseum. Lightning flashed. Thunder shook the sky. Cold winds blew through the area.

Dionysus flashed down in front of Killian, who had propped himself up against the wall.

"I guess my time is up," he said, sounding rather put out. "I guess I must dirty my hands for this one."

A dark purple sword appeared in his hand.

"Say goodbye, Vixon," Dionysus crowed in triumph as he raised the sword. As the sword flew towards his face, Killian closed his eyes.


Dionysus yelled out in pain. Killian opened one eye and saw a silver arrow protruding from the god's arm. His sword laid in front of Killian, a golden arrow next to it.

"You dare attempt to kill a Savior of Olympus!" boomed a familiar voice.

Twenty feet away stood Artemis and Apollo, both with bows out and looks of absolute fury on their faces.

"I should kill you, you worthless swine!" Artemis yelled. She notched another arrow and let it fly.

Dionysus cried out as it sunk into his shoulder. He raised his trembling hands. "I-It isn't what i-it lookis l-like!" he stammered.

"Isn't what it looks like?" Apollo snapped, a golden arrow aimed at the other god. "So you're not trying to kill Killian Vixon, the Savior of Olympus?"


The golden arrow sunk into Dionysus's other shoulder.

"Then you're just thrusting a sword into his head for fun?" Apollo demanded.


"Save it, Dionysus," Michael growled behind him. Dionysus jumped in surprise and fear.

Both Michael and Percy stood behind the god, swords out and with murderous looks on their faces.

"Not only did you create a barrier to try and prevent other gods from entering Rome," Percy snarled, "but you've been actively working against Killian and Lilly as they fought these giants!"

"You're a traitor to Olympus!" Artemis declared. "Your sentence shall be decided on Olympus!"

"Infighting?" Ephialtes said, gazing at everyone. "Mother will love to hear-"

"Shut it!" Percy roared. He threw out his arm and shot a bolt of lightning at the giant. Ephialtes exploded into millions of pieces before he could say a word.

Percy turned back toward Dionysus, his eyes glinting with murderous intent.

"You are going to pay for this, wine god," he growled. He stabbed Dionysus in the knee. The god cried out and fell to the ground.

Michael kicked him over. "I'm already in a bad mood, and you've just worsened it. First, my wife goes missing, then I find out you're trying to kill my friend?" A wild snarl ripped from his throat. "We'd kill you ourselves, but that would mean explaining it ourselves and sending you to Gaea, who you'd probably turn to and actually turn traitor. Instead, for now..." Michael snapped his fingers.

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