This December | One

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Hunter Noceda and Vee Noceda confused you. They appeared a month ago.

You've know Luz Noceda for years. Suddenly, she has a twin sister and an older brother? Hunter didn't even look like Luz. 

And Vee? She was adorable, not gonna lie. But where did she come from?

And her two new friends? Willow Park. Gus Porter. They kept their ears hidden. You didn't mind that much. You kept your wattpad library hidden. But they're all curious to normal objects like computers and TVs.

When you questioned Luz, she told you they were foreign. Along with Hunter. So that means Hunter is being adopted.

That makes sense.

You made your own breakfast at home, as you got ready for school. Your father was on a business trip in Japan, something with manga, and your mother left when you were younger. You didn't mind, you didn't remember her much. 

Your father should be back in about....two months, tops. You slipped on your shoes, spooning your cereal-in-a-cup breakfast in your mouth.

You left the door and locked the door. 

"Y/n!" Luz called over from down the sidewalk. Hunter and Vee stood behind her. Hunter stared at the ground, his hands in his pockets and headphones over his ears. He had on a jacket and a white shirt. Vee smiled at you, she was in a yellowish-orange shirt and jacket.

"Hey, Luz! Vee, Hunter."

Hunter looked up and looked at you. "Uh, hey...Y/n."

You jogged over to them. "Where are your friends Willow and Gus?" You asked. 

She smiled, "Oh, we're gonna meet up with them at school. Wanna come?" 

"Hey, why not-"

"What's...that?" Hunter cut you off, pointing at the cup. 

You followed his eyes and blinked. "Oh- Uh, this is cereal. I didn't have any clean dishes, so I used a plastic cup. I need to clean the dishes today after school, though."


Even though he showed up a month ago, you didn't exactly...know him? along with him.

Not that you fought. It was just that you didn't really have anything to talk to him about. You just didn't know him. You could befriend Vee, Willow, and Gus because they were easier to read. 


You couldn't tell what he was thinking. 

Luz looked at the awkward silence between the two of you and said, "Hey, I have an idea." You both look at her. "Hunter, why don't you help Y/n with the dishes? Their dad is on a business trip, so they'll need help. I'm hanging with Willow and Gus after school and Vee is gonna help mama with groceries, so you'll be alone. Take this as a chance to get to know each other,"

She smiled at you and Hunter. "What do you say?"

Hunter hesitated before glancing at you. "Is that alright with you?"

You shrugged. "I'm down if you are."

"Okay." Hunter muttered, turning red. 

Luz clasped her hands together, "Great! Let's head to school."

You sat on the steps in front of your school scrolling through your favorite app, waiting for Hunter. Luz left with Willow and Gus five minutes ago, while Ms. Noceda picked up Vee from carpool.

You had your earphones in as music played. Well, this December, I'll remember, want you to see it when I do~ Oooh~

Someone tapped your shoulders. "Hey, I hope I didn't make you wait long."

You turned your head and smiled. "Oh, no. I just got here actually." You stood. "Let's go."

As you walked down the sidewalk, it was quiet between the two of you. "Soo...where did you come from?" You asked Hunter, looking at him. "Luz said you were foreign?"

Hunter's eyes widened slightly and he looked away. "Oh! Uh, I...uh, I'm from...somewhere far. You wouldn't know where. N..Nearly no one knows where, haha... It's kind of secluded?" He said tripping over his words.

"Ah, that's cool."

He nodded looking at the sidewalk. You coughed looking in front of you. You didn't notice the half broken glass bottle until you slipped over it. You would have fallen on the shards if Hunter hadn't caught your arm. 

"Are you okay?" He asked when you stood normally. He released you and you punch his arm playfully.

"Yeah! You just saved my life!" You laughed.

He gave a small smile. "I wouldn't say I saved your life, Y/n." He said. 

"Well, I owe you a generous debt~" You said in a weird accent. 

He laughed at that and crossed his arms. "Please, you would have gotten small cut, at most."

"A small cut that would have been a pain taking care of!" You say dramatically, putting the back of your hand against your forehead. 

He smirked. "I would have taken care of you." He said in flirty voice.

You paused, your cheeks turning to a darkened shade. "I-...Uh...That was hot- IMEANNOTTHATYOURHOTIJUSTMEAN-"

Hunter raised his eyebrows. "I'm not hot?" He asked, teasing you.

"I-...NO! I mean-" You paused. "Wait! I mean you are but! I-" You groaned covering your face as Hunter laughed walking past. 

"You're so cute when your flustered!" He grinned.

"I'M NOT CUTE!" You said flushing more.

"Sure you are," He hummed. "Hey, we're almost at your house." Hunter said pointing at the house in the distance.

"Oh cool!" You said distracted. 

Luz did tell me he would be flirty when he felt comfortable around people. 'It's just his personality' she said. Does this mean he comfortable around me now?  You thought as you made your way to the house as Hunter followed behind.

That's good, right?

𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐃𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 | 𝐆𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐆𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐝 [𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝟏]Where stories live. Discover now