This December | Four

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|After school: 5:57 pm

|Y/n's room


He looked at you. "We're going to do it together, since you obviously don't know how to have confidence."

"Look at you!" You shot back

"What do you mean look at me?" He asked. 

"You have no confidence either because you had a bad childhood!"

Hunter narrowed his eyes, confused. 

"Look at how you stand- people who had good childhoods don't stand like that." You pointed out.

He protested. "WhAT? What about you?"

You frown. "What about me?" You smiled smugly looking away. "I stand normally." 

He rolled his eyes. "Whatever, luckily for you, I'm gonna still help you like the nice person I am! AND I have a plan!"

You shut the computer. "Already?" You ask. "Didn't you get the idea to partner with me like...two minutes ago?"

"YES, but I am a creative person," Hunter said waving his hand at you. "We dance."

"Dance." You repeat.

"Yes, dance." He got up clasping his hands together as you continued sitting on the bed looking up at him. "We An Unhealthy Obsession by Blake Robinson Synthetic Orchestra!"

You widen your eyes. "How do you even know about that song."

"Luz showed me something called a yandere, so I thought maybe that could be our theme, y'know?"

You stood. "Why Unhealthy Obsession?"

"Because no one else will do it- if we practice well enough we can win and you can see your dad!"

"But what dance?"

"Something called the tango, but we can add other moves."

You paused. "What if we do Stalker's Tango?" You asked. "If you want to keep the scary part. You can sing and we could dance the tango. But, I could try and get away from you."

Hunter paused. "That's a good idea! Holy crap Y/n! But...what's the Stalker's Tango?"

You smirked and opened your computer, pulling up Youtube. You clicked the video, turning the computer toward him.

He listened to the song with concentration. "That's really creepy. We should do it."

You smiled. "You can try memorizing the lyrics I printed out a few weeks ago." You said pointing at the paper on your desk. "I was planning to do a cover but I changed my mind. But you can memorize the lyrics and I can search up some tango dances."

"You're okay with me being your partner?"

"Uh, yeah. You're the one who announced that you were."

"But I thought you'd protest or something."

"No way! My friend is helping me for the talent show, why would I protest that?" You asked confused.

"Uh, I don't know." He turned away. "I'm gonna study...those lyrics."

"Okay! I'm gonna scroll through youtube for the tango."

|One Hour Later

|Y/n's room: 6:57pm

"Y/n, how does this sound?" Hunter asked.

You looked up and he sang the first part of the song. 

"I know, I know, I know~ This situation's stra-a-a-a-ange~ It takes a little getting, a little getting used~ to~" He looked at you, expectantly.

"Holy crap! Hunter, you can SING?! FOR REAL?"

He looked at the paper. "I'm just trying to mimic that guy singing it." He said, laughing.

"Have you sang before?"

He glanced at you. "Uh, no? Back home I'd be too busy to sing,"



"WE'RE GOING TO WIN WITH A VOICE LIKE YOURS!" You shout laughing. "And if we get this tango right, we'll be the BEST!"

Hunter smiled and looked at the rest of the lyrics. "I think I can memorize the lyrics, and the beat in about two weeks. Then, we can practice the tango you chose."

"And I can find us some cool suits for us to wear!"

Hunter looked at you. "Really?"

"Yeah! My dad left me a tone of money for food, but I bet I can spend $80 dollars on two suits." You said. "I don't mind wearing suits, I look hot in them, not to brag." You chuckle. "Are you comfortable in them?"

"Uh, yeah, I guess."

"Cool, so let's continue tomorrow, it's late and Luz is probably worried."

Hunter nodded. "Yeah, you're right. I'll text you later." He got up, grabbed his bag and left.

𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐃𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 | 𝐆𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐆𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐝 [𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝟏]Where stories live. Discover now