This December | Ten

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New Hunter/Golden Guard Playlist ---->


"Luz, why is everyone here?" You asked. Willow, Gus, Luz, Vee, and Hunter all sat in your room. 

Only twenty minutes ago, Hunter had just said he loved you. You were shocked. You didn't know what to say.  

Right when you were ready to answer, out of nowhere, Luz and her friends burst in your room, ruining the moment.

But, even so, you were probably just going to saying something like...'What...?'

You locked eyes with Hunter who flushed red and looked away. You looked at the four people who broke into your house.

Gus was eating your cereal...Willow was looking at your books and Luz sat next to Hunter with Vee.

"Well, you know about Willow, Gus, and Hunter being, why don't you ask them all some questions?"

You crossed your arms. "Hunter told me Vee is a basilisk who took your place during the summer and part of the school year. Is that true?"

Everyone nodded. "Yeah," Luz said, "I was trapped in the Boiling Isles on the first day of summer. I decided to stay, and...well, I was careless and lost my way home."

"How did you get back?" You asked.

She hesitated. "Well, Belos, the Emperor of the Boiling Isles, was building a new portal for something called The Day of Unity. We broke into the castle to destroy it, but...we all ended up going through it." Luz explained.

Hunter nodded. "Yeah, the portal wasn't completely done yet, so we only had, like, ten seconds to go through. It was sparking and had smoke rushing out. At first, Luz and Amity were both supposed to go through it before we shut and destroyed it."

You blinked. Amity?  "Who's Amity?" You asked. 

Luz blushed looking away, and Hunter smirked shoving her lightly. "Her girlfriend~" He teased. Luz shoved him back. 

Vee laughed and decided to continue. "Yeah, what Hunter and Luz said. But apparently, before those two could get through, Belos reached out and grabbed Amity with this gooey arm before yanking her down the stairs-"

Luz cut herself in. "-Hunter who was trying to protect me and Amity, almost ran to go get her before Gus and Willow pushed him back saying that I was running out of time. they pushed Hunter, Hunter bumped into me pushing me in the portal, and Willow, Gus, and Hunter fell through, right as Belos tried to break the portal to stop us."

"And...Amity was left behind...with my Uncle." Hunter said frowning.

Luz looked down, tears landing on her face. "We could have helped her..."

Vee, and Willow looked down, sad. Even Gus had stopped eating your frosted flakes. 

"Well, from what I've heard..." You started and they looked at you. "You did everything you could. I'm sure you tried hard to protect her, and each other." You said smiling. 

Hunter winced. "Y/n...we're going back to save her..."

You paused. "...What?"

He didn't look at you. "Eda...Luz's caretaker while she was in the Boiling Isles said to give her and King some time. month...they'll create a portal, a temporary portal, and we'll go through to help Amity and try to stop the Day of Unity..." He said in a quiet voice. 

You stared at him. "When will you all be back?"

He glanced at Luz before looking away. "We...We don't know."

"So, you need to fight some Emperor, and help Luz's girlfriend?" You asked. 

He nodded and Luz looked at you and Hunter. Something was off. I thought Y/n would be, yeah, sad, but they're tense. Did...Did Hunter say something before we got here?  She thought.

It's quiet. You looked at the ground. After a few seconds you look up and say, "Let me help!" 

Everyone froze and looked at you. 

Hunter stood. "What? No! It's too dangerous! You've never been there, you don't know what it's like. You wouldn't know how to survive!"

You balled your fists. "Luz can show me! She survived!"

"She had help and she almost died, like, twenty times!" Hunter argued.

"I'll have help! I'm- I'm strong! I'm a fast learner, let me help!" 

Luz stood. "G-Guys, let's calm down-"

"No, Y/n!" He snapped. "Forget it! You're staying here, safe and sound."

"But I want to help you guys!"

"You can't!"


You groaned. "Why won't you let me help?!"

"Because I love you too much to lose you!" 

It's complete silence. Luz stared at him shocked. She looked at you to see you weren't surprised. You covered your face, groaning. 

"Hunter, I don't get it, let me help you! I-" You took a deep breath. "I...I think I love you too, but I don't know. When you said that earlier, I didn't know what to say! Then they came and I didn't get the chance to answer. And now? I...I just. I don't want to lose you either, so, please...let me help..."

"I...You might die!" He said, his voice full of pain. "And then I'll blame myself!"

"It's better than leaving me and risking never seeing me again!" You shot back. Tears formed in your eyes.

"No it's not! At least you'll be guaranteed safe!"

"But what if I don't care if I'm safe?" The tears fell, dropping to the ground.

"I CARE!" He yelled, his voice cracking. Hunter looked down. "I care if you're safe..."

You stepped forward touching his face. "Hunter..."

He caught your hand pulling it back gently. "I'll come back for you..." He said softly. "I'll come back and we'll have all the time in the world...just...promise to stay here. Please."

You breath turned ragged and you sighed. "Okay..." You said softly. "I promise."

𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐃𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 | 𝐆𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐆𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐝 [𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝟏]Where stories live. Discover now